"White Rabbit Hardcore Machine" - My Collection of unpublished Artworks - Vol. 6

of my lost paintings collection. I thought it would be nice to start showing all the paintings which haven't made it onto my homepage or my book and are known only by a handful of people.
I started painting rather late, at the age of 26, and my first years were characterised by heavy experimentation. I didn't know much about painting techniques or colors and my approach to art was therefore very innocent and light. I just didn't think so much while painting...it was a very liberating act. Now that I know much more about painting, sometimes I wish I could go back to the old days were I just let it all happen, without wanting too much.
This post is part of a whole series, so stay tuned for more previously unreleased paintings...

A very, very quick painting. "Kitsch" means something like 'cheesy' in German. I thought that would be an apropriate word for this piece. I like the colors though...it's not all bad :-)

A small painting exploring the possibilities of acrylic paint. Somehow I like this one and I haven't sold it yet. Guess this one will stay in my collection.

I like this one because it is so wild and has a nice transparent feel to it. I have no idea what the person in the painting is doing...so I thought I give it a funny title.

The title is bigger than the painting. One of my first steps into the abstract.

I hope you enjoyed this little peak into my vault of forgotten artworks. I hope to see you again for the next part. Until then...take care, love a lot and be creative my friends.

Your all paintings are really amaezing, I like the first, third and fourth one most. Thank you @denniskonstantin for sharing your painting with us.I personally like the abstraction of art.
Excellent works!