Progress of a Painting - "A Cowboy's hilarious attempt to become an Indian" -

was so madly in love with this beautiful little squaw, the daughter of Chief Rainbow Lightning. Unfortunately he got to know her not under good circumstances, but when he and his dirty dozen raided the nearby native american village a while ago. Since that day this love which can never be makes him crazy and restless. Every night he has this dream...of being a boy from her village and musing with her under the sweet sunlight. But then he wakes up...and is still the cold-blooded cowboy he ever was.
:-) Maybe you have some fun seeing how this piece came together. I had no real plan to start with (like always) and the painting came together very organically. The whole piece took me about a month.

Bravo c'est magnifique!
It reminds me in some way of the movie "Dreamkeeper"
Have you seen it? if not please do so and tell me what you do you think about (it might look a bit old-fashioned but it has great stories of Indians)
hope you'll enjoy!
and again bravo!
Bonjour @denniskonstantin
Quelle magnifique œuvre d'art!
C'est vous qui l'avez fait? Si oui vous un vrai artistes ÊTES;)
Moi aussi je fais de l'art (illustration), sur mon blog de si sa t'intéresse;)
Ravie de vous connaître :)
Je espère qu'on sera ami :-D
Bonne journée
Oh merci. :-)
Freaky cool Composition, genius Colors and fantastic Drawing :-)
Thank you 🙏
Awesome piece. Love the hidden cowboy, I probably wouldn't have noticed without the explanation!
Holy hell that's amazing! It's probably out of my price range...but, are you selling it?
The original is in a private collection. But I could make a reproduction on canvas...which looks like an original and is quite affordable :-) send me a message if you are interested - [email protected]
Bravo for imagination and realization, and title, it's a cherry on the top.Great work @denniskonstantin.
This is a mind-f*cking art puzzle! :)))
Excellent work!