Breaking Society's Norm by Mastering a completely unknown skill - Journey Experiment

in #art7 years ago

Hello everyone! 

I'm glad to say that i just recently joined this awesome community and in search of a way to add value I will try to prove something that i think is important.

I will first tell you what i want to try and prove, then i will delve into more necessities for those of you whom want to follow along on this experiment.

So my "thesis" is that i want to prove that anyone no matter the background could master a skill.

Basis for my ideology: I believe that every humans born (with exceptions for those with disabilities) are born almost exactly the same. After all we are all descendants of a equally long history of evolution, it's only in more recent years that we've started to become masters of our own evolution.

How will i "prove" this: There is no easy way to master a skill and as such the journey will be long. Nevertheless i have chosen to try and prove this in one (or two) ways.


I figured that the best way to prove this is to choose something that is very different from the current skills i have. I am a programmer, by education and trade. Since programming is a quite logical, structural occupation i thought it would be suitable to choose something artistic to master. As such i have quite a lot to choose from however one key ingredient is that i need to want to learn it, also since i am limited by time i cannot choose that which requires 100% of my time (i like everyone need to pay rent) and lastly i need to be able to easily prove my advancements. 

Now for those who wonder "why do you need to want to learn it?", obviously if i want it i will go so much further in my attempt. But let's say i didn't want it but rather i was forced to join the army because i lived in i dictatorship, also for the sake of argument there are some people who willingly joined that said army. Who do you think fights more bravely and who is likely to run away given the chance?

With these things in mind i have chosen to master drawing/painting, it is something that i did quite a lot as child (10-12y old). Mainly i drew in school during breaks but i gradually stopped when reaching the age of 13, mostly because i started to compare my drawing to my classmates (who all were a lot more "artistic" than me). Around that time i also started to program, something i got quite good at fast, so as i progressed in programming i started dropping other hobbies like sports and drawing.

I think that is a quite common thing for children, we basically get bullied into dropping our hobbies, either by ourselves or others and that might be why we as adults avoid certain things by just saying "No, i don't like painting" or maybe "I'm not the sporty kind".

I know that i have been one of those people for quite along time and i do believe that everyone has something they want to learn but find excuses for. Because i found that when i dropped the self bullying when drawing my first things in years i often laughed (at how funny it looked) and enjoyed myself.

As i go along this journey i will try and cover all areas of drawing (even perhaps 3d modelling) and as i feel my skills improve i shall upgrade my equipment but for now i am only using a normal pen + borrowing my sisters coloring pencils.

I will of course be taking advice (mostly watch videos) and such during this journey so please comment if you have any :].

Second way: 

I will be taking on students to learn programming. Ideally i'd like to have students who are of a younger generation or who is working/studying something that is quite far away from logical thinking. At this point i am not sure how many students i can personally take care of or if i even will be getting any. 

But i will probably be making videos for everyone to see and then have a chosen few that i assist more closely.

At this point i am not sure what to programming language to teach, since i am most likely going to let my students have a vote on that. Also i will be trying to to learn things by choosing a long term project (like make a social network kinda website) then go along that path until we reach our goal.

Probably what i am going to do is, to make a website fitted to manage a smaller group of students if i manage to find students. On this website i will have assignments, videos, chatting and everything you might find in a classroom.

If you are interested in learning to program but never really gotten a firm grip of this skill then i hope you will join me on this journey to break this awful norm society has today.

Of course the progress of my potential students will be public (but anonymous, if so desired).

Alright well i think that was everything i wanted to say, i know i typed a lot and my future post are most likely to be shorter. Right now i am going to draw something fun and upload later but in the meantime i hope you'll pick up a long lost hobby of your own or follow my humble journey for mastery.

My third drawing since the age of 13y, it is supposed to be some kinda king character