I really like your creativity here—can I talk you into taking a picture with your pencil on the drawing so I can gauge the size of the print?
I’m guessing you’re left handed, correct? Thank you for this nice piece @nagasonic.
I really like your creativity here—can I talk you into taking a picture with your pencil on the drawing so I can gauge the size of the print?
I’m guessing you’re left handed, correct? Thank you for this nice piece @nagasonic.
Thank you very much @dandays for the comment and the upvote :). Taking a picture is no problem, this print is made on a A4 and actually im right handed. You are welcome...

And agein, THANK YOU! :)
Congratulations on the reward here @nagasonic—well deserved!
Thank you @dandays! WOW! OMG! I just woke up, not 15 min. ago, im sooooo HAPPY right now, it's like Christmas I cant belive it... WOW!!