Bushido : the code of honor and morals developed by the Japanese samurai.

I have a burning passion for things Japanese. I aimed to express that love with this art piece that I created. Japanese art style, stories, architecture ; it all speaks to me. My right arm is actually dedicated to Japanese art and culture. I have a zombie samurai, beautiful geisha, mythological dragon, a lucky scroll tattooed. I will leave a picture of my Japanese tattoos below.

Please feel free to leave your comments and let me know what you think of these images. Are you also fascinated with the Japanese way of life? Have you ever been to Japan, I have yet to travel there myself. However I would love to visit Kyoto while in full bloom.

Best Regards,

Be sure to check out my reintroduction video that I posted on DTube. It will help you get to know me as a person more, and what I am about.

That's truly unreal man. Have to be one of my favourite pieces of art from you. The tattoos are unreal as well! Holy crap I really feel like painting something now. So crazy too cos I recently did a sketch of a Samurai with a pineapple head (random yeah lol) and I am very keen to scan it and paint it up. I might just start that tonight!
Thanks for the move brother!
I was inspired by your samurai, plus the fact that I already love the tale of samurais.
Please please paint that pineapple samurai, that drawing was amazing man.
Cool tattoos design man, always hype to see some samurai concepts!
Thanks for checking out my work, friend!
I really admire your passion for Japanese art. Thanks for sharing. :)
I really appreciate you taking the time to read and check out my art. 🤗