#05 Daily Sketch | Female Portrait

in #art7 years ago


Day 5 of drawing daily and I am getting the hang of it, I am quite determined to continue and try my best to make this a habit. Even though my current job is physically strenuous- I still find myself looking forward to draw everyday.

| 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |

@mahavsekruto is my subject for today. Wanted to draw a portrait where the subject isn't looking directly and she met the criteria. Also, I wanted to see what I could do with lighter hair-ed subjects. Most of my subjects are found on Instagram, mostly on the explore page and hopping around the following and followers of certain photography pages.

> The finished portrait piece


> A progress GIF!




Wow that looks great. Portraits are the hardest to do. I was also browsing for alternative poses. The eyes looking away is a good twist.

Thanks! Yeah, I mainly browse around in Instagram ever since they've added the "save" photo feature, which made it so much easier to collect numerous portraits which I can go through before I start drawing. :)

Oh that's clever! Never thought of doing that. I would usually browse from google image "portrait" but get lots of famous people!

Great job. I'm trying to share my daily drawings too. I mean I usually do draw everyday, but for some reason wasn't sharing. This is a great challenge and well done. I just have to get a handle on making gifs so extra points for that too ;)

Thanks! Yeah, I might miss a day or two due to my current job but I'll be trying my best to draw everyday. GIMP is a great free-program to make GIFs, if you're familiar with PS, GIMP will be a breeze to use. You can separate your progress drawings to different layers and convert it to GIFs in an instant! Followed you and looking forward to viewing your pieces! :)