ESCAPE FROM THE MATRIXsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

" ESCAPE FROM THE MATRIX" (1996) oil on canvas 22 x 80 cm

Hi Steemians, I want to show you my old painting from 1996...It seems that idea is always current, today maybe more than ever! The frame is my handmade.

Enjoy, and thanks for comments, upvotes snd of luck! 😊

Zdravo prijatelji, zeleo sam da vam pokazem jednu moju staru sliku iz 1996, izgleda da je ideja i danas aktuelna, mozda vise nego ikada! Ram je mojih ruku delo.

Uzivajte i hvala za komentare, glasove i deljenja...puno srece! 😊



Jako interesnatno izvedeno @boban.markovic. Veoma mi se dopada dimenzija rada, zaljubljenik sam u izduzene formate. Samo napred!
Izbaci tag introduceyourself, one se stavlja samo kod pocetnog posta gde pricas o sebi. Dodaj i tag srpski da te vide oni koji citaju postove na srpskom, mozes umesto steemit da stavis steemit-balkans, videce te ljudi iz regiona. Eto malo pomoci opet, nadam se da ne zameras.

Taman posla, hvala veliko..vidim da uvek mogu da promenim tag..ali kapiram da je kasno posto je objava vec zatrpana novijim objavama

Ne nema to veze sa tim. slobodno promeni. Videce ljudi koji skroluju feed.

Super, koliko vidim ne postoji mogucnost da se prave albumi kao na fesbuku, ili mozda gresim..

Nema,ovde mora da se radi :) Ali to je lepota ove mreze, moze da se uziva ponekad u zaista kvalitetnim stvarima.

Dobro da znam, e puno ti hvala za onaj poklon " novac" ili kako se vec zove..

I love it! Glad @jungwatercolor Resteemed it so I could appreciate the beauty and concept! Wonderful Art
Steem On My Friend!

Thank you My Friend! Glad you love it...greetings from Serbia 😉

You have some GREAT ART on your blog! I look forward to spending some time checking out your works. Greetings from a Texan in Sweden! =)

Thank you, I just started posting, still learning how this Steemit works 😰

I made a post that I think could be helpful for you. It has a bunch of links to tips and resources to understand the platform and your options better. DON'T UPVOTE THE POST... but feel free to use it for help and as a resource for you to learn faster. It's a post I wish that I had when I was trying to figure this whole thing out! I hope it helps cut your learning time down and gives a little insight as to how some of this all works! I think you are going to do GREAT on Steemit!

Thank You very much. I appreciate a lot...

Bok @boban.mitrovic pridruži nam se na novo podignutom Balkan Steemit Alliance discord serveru za balkanske Steemit korisnike detaljnije o ideji možeš pročitati u linku ispod

(savjet, nemoj ići na 100% power up kada radiš post, idi na 50/50 jer je tako puno isplativije)

Hvala ti puno druze, puno mi znace svi ovi saveti 😊... puno pozdrava!!