'Spring in the Skye' ......from bleujay's Skye Fleur Collection
'Spring in the Skye' ......from bleujay's Skye Fleur Collection.
......original digital artwork and photography by bleujay; presented with permission; by bentleycapital.

Finished Work

Work before Welcome Visitors

Study Photographs and Edits of Subject......-Grape Hyacinth
'Spring in the Skye'
Thank you for visiting bentleycapital.
For those interested in the details.......
Sometimes a subject can be so very small, as the Grape Hyacinth is, that it calls for highlighting in a way which emphasises its intricate detail and beauty. This is an experiment in that direction.
Kind Regards,
Please be so kind as to refrain from leaving photographs, gifs, links, etc., so as not to distract from the post.
Thank you Steemit for opportunity to post at this fine site!
Posted at Whaleshares.
Wow, do I ever get behind now and then on here. I suppose late IS better than never. Even in the world of Steamit. That is really gorgeous, and a very interesting process. Very creative indeed. I love the experimentation idea. Hope all is well in your corner of the world. Cheers.
Greetings @ddschteinn,
Indeed.....late is better than never, hehe.
Lovely to 'see' you. Hope you are well.
Everything is fine here... a little sidetracked by Spring....thank you for inquring. ^__^
Happy to hear you enjoyed the artwork......thank you for your kind words.
All the best.
nice picture my friend
a very wonderful digitalart @bentleycapital
Thank you @love-peace,
Happy to hear you enjoyed the work.
thanks your welcome dear friend,happy to you @bentleycapital
WOW! Gorgeous Skye Fleur from @bleujay’s collection!
Ah! I can touch the “Spring in The Skye” which looks very refreshing. The colors are really lovely. Very magnificent artwork indeed.
I love the beauty of every details; i.e. the fleurs themselves, the cute little red ladybug, the bright yellow bee, etc. Each step of the artwork is very interesting. Excellent presentation by @bentleycapital.
Wishing you and yours all the best! ;)
Greetings @tangmo,
You are too kind. Thank you for your lovely comment and compliment.
Appreciate you stopping by.
Thank you for your kind wishes. ^__^
All the best to you and yours.
You are much welcome!
Many thanks for your kind wishes. Have a wonderful weekend! ;)
Beautifully created Art with Grape Hyacinth, I like the background that you made as cracked paint known as craquelure . I love this effect, that separated the front and background. Well done @bleujay! Have a nice week, Cheers...
Greetings @stef1,
Thank you for stopping by for a cuppa.
Yes......what to do.....when it came time to asess the work and the background refused to be background....Smiles! Appreciate the new word 'craquelure' and your kind complimentary words.
Here's hoping you have a less busy day today than you did yesterday. ^__^
Wishing you and yours a lovely holiday.
It is just too bad that @bleujay muted me so I can't comment in his works @bentleycapital
Greetings @cryptopie,
Thank you for stopping by.
Well.....let's see what we can do about that. ^__^