Eduardo Bol Pereira
Eduardo Bol Pereira is a Venezuelan artist who was born on March 25, 1988 in the city of Caracas. From the age of two he had a perfect premonition of what we wanted to do and what we wanted to do. Eduardo plays an artistic career that is difficult to ignore, which is defined as a great mythical, sanguinary, fantastic, utopian, everyday, and realistic world.
[Interview with the Venezuelan painter Eduardo Bol Pereira, Stephanía Pino] (
[Eduardo's Google+] (
Horse posing on the lake, from the point of view of a Japanese woman with severe paranoid schizophrenia.
Here it is:

Chinese ink. 23x32cm. 2009
With a dedication for me on the back, short and precise:
If you want to know more about this artist, please look for it in the link of the picture at the top, on his Google+, where you can find some videos of his authorship, I invite you to learn more about this artist, also read his interview with Stephanía Pino.