Artwork: The Adventures of Lucy

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Hey guys, I want to share something with you, a story I had to think up when I applied for Art School and had to do an assignment for.
The task was to create a short story of a fictional person or being, of which we had to document what IT is experiencing, by creating a art booklet of seven days. The name Lucy was already given, so I only had to come up with what, or who Lucy was, and what Lucy will be doing in a whole week.


Lucy is a cosmonaut, traveling through space and time, just like normal people do nowadays. Her mission is to explore different realms and bring back the gathered information to her home planet Mother Earth. On her trip flying past different planets, she discovers the smallest looking planet she could perceive, with trees reaching higher than the atmosphere would normally allow.


As an adventurous person, Lucy has already been exposed to exotic food in different galaxies on her exploration. Therefore, as hungers calls, she grabs the fruit from this great tree and eats it as if starvation was the only thing she has known since her birth.
What happens next, has never happened to her before.


Lucy falls victim of her ignorance for not analyzing the fruit beforehand, pulling her mind, body and soul into an other dimension.
Vortex X


A Dimension so linear, that only lines exist. Because Lucy is a "higher being", only her non-living garment gets converted to linear directions. As a higher being, experiencing a linear dimension only leads to headaches, seeing nothing other than lines, once known as former dots. Dots derived from singularity, a single dot. A single dot evolved to dots, and dots eventually became a line. A line as we know it, became what Lucy is experiencing now, lines, a way marker of directions.
Lucky enough for Lucy, as she pinches her eyes together because of the hammering headaches she undergoes, she sees small arrows showing her the exit out of this dimension.


Enter the Mario World:
Lucy is converted to a 2-Dimensional sprite, only serving the purpose of reaching the next goal, to unlock the Get Out of Here Achievement.
As she jumps into the plumbing pipe, Lucy find's herself dressed in a bikini, standing on top of a surfboard.


But Where is she? These waves are well known in her homeland, and are archived somewhere in a specific category her mind can't decrypt. It is just too much for her human brain, too much energy in use and too much CPU needed for her to process what is happening right now at this moment. The only things that help her overcome this situation are her ultra instinct and her trained physical presence.
Unfortunately for us, this is the last we know about Lucy, as we do not know where her remains are dwelling.
Scientists have the suspicion that Lucy has entered the void. A place where only oneness and nothing exist simultaneously.
What we know about Lucy is, that the travel into the null void might have been a painful stretch to her body, but her brain not registering what is happening, might have shut down the pain receptors at the right moment in the right time.


I hope you guys enjoyed. Read you next time!

  • Cheers