How To Draw Jim Carrey: Portrait Tutorial #13

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Welcome To Portrait Tutorial #13

If your looking to hone your artistic ability, check out how a fellow artist works his pieces or even just appreciate looking at the process of art, you are in THE RIGHT PLACE!

Todays Subject: Jim Carrey

It is better to risk starving to death then surrender. If you give up on your dreams, what's left?


Jim Carrey....the man who has been giving hope to all us crazy Canadians since the 80's.

For the past while I have neglected putting as much time into creating after going about 3 months solid of none stop art making and When I say I spent 3 months none stop creating I mean it. In this period of time for a multitude of reasons I was unable to work and the only thing that made me feel good about life was making art. I would wake up in the morning, make my coffee and sit down to my pencil and paper while playing some music. I would stop for about an hour or so in the middle of the day, mainly to get something to eat, but sometimes being caught up in what I was doing even rush my breaks by making something quick and easy and returning to work. I had made drawing/Steemit/crypto investing my temporary job, which during this time I had felt blessed to have discovered. After so long I got to the point where I'm looking at all these instagram artist and thinking to myself. What's the point of even attempting to get that good. Why keep doing this. As an artist the daunting reality of in our own mind never being able to truely reach perfection can be intimidating. I'm happy to say that I have now returned to work and life is starting to get somewhat back to normal. But those big "Why" questions about what I have spent so much time doing, still lingered on for a while.

Now this might sound a little silly, but I'm not ashamed to say It was actually after watching a Netflix special on Jim Carey that sparked the creative flame in me once more. Hearing him explain actually how truely deep and representative of his career as a whole his catch phrase "alrighty then" really was. This phrase enitialy started after one night at the comedy store he went up on stage to do his bit and started off with saying " how is everyone doing tonight.... ALL RIGHTY THEN!" Cause he truely didn't care... he was about to do him no matter what anyone thought of him.

He mentioned about how one night he awoke from being dead asleep and sat straight up in bed all of a sudden with an Epiphany. The less he cared about what people thought of his work. The more sense it all made to him, leaving him completely free of all worry. This carefree freedom and confidence to be himself could be thought of as what made Jim Carey... Jim Carey! And brought about a lifetime of great success.

So what I take away from all that is this... be prepaired to see many more of these kinds of art pieces. Because they are apart of who I am. And I'm gonna keep sharing this part of me with the world no matter what. Because I love this part of me, and it makes me feel good! I no longer care that I may not ever reach world class levels of art. I will every time reach Barry Fredrick Samways level. Which is just as well.
Thank you to everybody reading for sharing your time with me during this period of my life. Much love and enjoy checking out the step by step process.

Step By Step











Barry we are very happy to see you back and this is a beautiful write up with the tutorial that was helpful for me today! I’ve been through a lot of the same process just getting to the point where I’m going to make what I love and not worry about what people think of it!

Good to see you in the comments Jerry! I appreciate the ADVERTISING you do for steem! @ackza and i try to do projects to promote steem on social media too, and he mentioned that he learned his strategies for promoting steem on Instagram and cross promotion Ad Money loops from you!
Here is an Upvote! enjoy!

WOW a @jerrybanfield comment! NICE man! hey did you see how @elgeko included you in the new Steem Slot Machine game that @fyrtsikken is bringing out?

hahah he made you the "Bust" symbol, haha so when you get 3 Jerry's you loose, heh wee just poking some harmless fun at ya, probly cuz theyre just jelous of how many followers you have

but bro ive been watching your old music videos of you making live music, and its insane how funny you are, i cant tell if you were serious or acting but its Gold man, youre gonna end up being a big time celebrity if you actually slow down and do some posts for fun just hangout on in voicechat and just have a drink with us maybe get drunk in teh chat iwill too it will be REALLY fun man, would be really nice to see you on chat bro, we need your power!

I seriously do think people would ALL love you if you made like a video for everyone who might not like you, andjust do a prank OUT of charcater

i think if u just go out of character youll be famous man, like youtube famous OK you already are man, i know, u have fuckin almost 300,000 subs! were all jealous! but i want you to go to the next level! And you just need to do some pranks, like outdoor pranks, they can be fake, but i bet if we had a video of you getting into a fist fight with a friend, THAt would be awesome, show everyone that jerry knows ow to fight, i bet you could learn a few martial arts moves and do some kick boxing or something or just do a MMA fight, i wanna see you beat someone up, maybe they can dress up in a facebook costume and you can do some on camera MMA training and then do a Mock ass beating to somene in a facebook or youtube suit, like a big logo suit, if they exist, i just wanna se you fight on camera and win! i think peopel would respect you more, or if they saw you giving orders to some teenagers, YEAH thats it bro

you just have to hire some inner city teenagers and like do a whole wolf of wallstreet parody but where you get them on their phones cold calling numbers to sell steempower to people, i bet yu COULD train people to sit there and do Steem advertising posts all day, i know you have a LOT of great systems memorized and you could probably do a LOT with a team of young people who listen to you, imagine what you could do! You NEED a team of local workers man! the Post rewards of simple posts showing photos of you working with them would pay their salaries ALONE!

This is amazing hahahahahahahah. thanks for stopping by my page brother, and I really hope jerry gets a chance to see this. Maybe give em a poke in discord or something.

That's awesome to hear Jerry! Thank you for taking the time to actually read through. I happy to hear you taking the same aprouch with your passions! It's the key to happiness.

You are so talentes my friend. I love it. Hermosos arte!

very talented you are! and i like Jim ! :-)

thank you kindly :)

That's pretty Goooood!!