The FancyCorn painting - La peinture de Fancicorn est achevée ^_^ [ENG-FR]
View this post on Hive: The FancyCorn painting - La peinture de Fancicorn est achevée ^_^ [ENG-FR]
View this post on Hive: The FancyCorn painting - La peinture de Fancicorn est achevée ^_^ [ENG-FR]
Oh, what a cutie!
Thank you my dear ! love your colorful birdy ! ^_^
Cute and lovely colors as always !!! :-)
It's like a unicorn giraffe. I love it:)
indeed, and with a duck beak ! =D
I love your painting technique, everything you do is so beautiful ♥_♥
well, I show only the pretty you know... ;-)
Thank you my dear ! ^_^
Love the colors
Your amazing
Love ya work to the full less
I'm happy you enjoy it ^_^
Thanks much Samuel :))
You are welcome
Your work is very beautiful
Nice Unicornduckgazelle there :D
I really dig the colors on your paintings
Lovely name you gave her ^_^ and you noticed her duck beak ;-)
I love your art SOOO much! It's all so bright and fairy-tale style! I wonder how you make the parts with letters? (If it's not a big secret?:)
Thank you dear ! ;-)
This is really not a secret as I have explained it in this post LoL ^_^
There are some collages and some stamped, I don't know which letters you mean so take a look at the tuto's link =))
Thank you for the link! <3 I'll give it a read:)
A chickcorn! Half chicken, half unicorn!! Love it!!
chickcorn is perfect ! ^_^