Twirble Tuesdays; You people amaze me.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Twirble Tuesdays; where I share my favorite work from the week tagged with #artzone as well as a few gems from today. Above is my weekly winner, the magnificent "The Cypher of the Mind" by @svdsdragunov He has been painting it in several live sessions on Dtube as well as well; I will share the last one.

Image Thread
Live Session Painting; Part 13

Todays winner is this fascinating surrealist collage by @indianapatt
In the link below she provides the images she altered and put together in photoshop. There is something to the subtle colors, dreamy atmosphere and then the striking, yet oddly decorative face on her back.

Still in love with the work of @whornung. Hard to choose this week but I love his gif art and imagine galleries full of moving work like this in the future. whornung2.gif

Adoring these creepy collaborative pieces by @patschwork and "Stefan Heilemann aka Heile aka Heilemania"

@gvand mentioned this beautiful piece by Gooze earlier in the week. He takes you through his process and I really love his funky yet delicate style.

gooze.jpg Links to both threads below.

@nmalove shared this gorgeous piece by @promisearts yesterday

promisearts.jfif I love how expertly and intuitively it is constructed, you can tell it is a work of a master.

Speaking of @gvand she herself posted this beautiful watercolor drawing just last night.

I enjoy the GIF of her process
Just followed @maxbokhan; his sketchbooks are amazing I cannot wait to see more work from him.

@jazzresin is a new abstract artist on my radar; I love this inventive piece; such a fun feeling to it.

@maxijgcomm's talent just does not stop; and he also makes an inspirational post as well; complete with eye-popping process images of his work.

@sisler003 has a lot of great art out this week; but I picked this thread because it has a fascinating combination of completed designs.

I must share this beautiful image and link by @anibas I love the mysterious atmosphere she creates with this alien landscape with subtle colors.

Cannot ignore this gorgeous reverse-glass painting by @reinhard-schmid


Also; this beautiful piece by @kathrina-sofie is also well rewarded; but I believe it's delicacy and professionalism is worth discussing.

@twirble signing off to collect the brownies I just burnt.

@artzone curators: @surfyogi @artzanolino @nmalove @web-gnar @twirble @jacobite @gvand @gbija @edprivat


Great selection and find @twirble! Thanks for sharing :)

Great community and beautiful art
Thanks for sharing this...

Thanks for reading

You are most welcome...

I'm not even finished with it. Thank you very much for sharing my work with the world! I appreciate it!

I noticed; but to me it is superior to many "finished " pieces so I thought it deserved note.

Phh, i know what you mean, but we can do nothing. There is a quote that says "Even the insult to art is art". If the artist does not want to grow... No one can make him. It's one of the sad realities of art... It's just the path that i picked :)

That was me; Sorry I sound snooty; calling some art "superior" to others, just a way to say your unfinished work is just the winner. I do believe all work is worthwhile in one way or another; but it is important to alknowledge excellence, effort and vision.

No problem, that's why i dropped that quote. Every artwork has a meaning and purpose, expression if you wish. Execution is a matter of practice and taste and patience. :) I'm happy that comment sections are not just for small talk.

Cool, lol. My measuring stick is art that makes me see how I myself can grow; like every piece here.

I stopped judging, I constantly ask for and offer help in terms of art. That's the way to grow as an artist, examining and trying to get in the head of the creator is the way to go. Same with music and movies.

Good way to think, but I had to choose somehow;)

Thanks @artzone many artists that I recognize from the #art community, hopefully one day you like my #artwork, success is always ✌️

Congratulations to all artists who have been selected for outstanding work

Congratulations to the winners! His works of art are wonderful great healing work!

Great works!

BTW... I'm not getting any voting from artzone.. I just wanna know did I do something wrong..?

Always appreciate your efforts

It's beautiful and sharing this work invites new sentences

oh! Thanks!))