Special request: Banner for @GandhiBaba
Gandhi, digital mixed media by Giovani Zanolino
For Baba
One of the requests on my previous "Special request Sunday" was by one of my favorite Steemians @GandhiBaba
I hope he enjoys this themed banner I made for him!
Animated banner made by Giovani Zanolino
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
-Mahatma Gandhi-
Wow!!! @artzanolino. You can't imagine how happy I am right now. You made my day, surely, with this banner. Thank you so so much. I thought you've forgotten about my request. I really appreciate this beautiful work. Thank you, friend. Wow.
My pleasure, this one has your name more centered :)
I will go with this then. You are such a wonderful person.
The real superhero. The headlight of Congress as well as humanity. Once upon a time, he came to my country.☺.....however, it is a tremendous Animated banner under the below. Thanks for share.
Hello, artzanolino, upvoted and resteemed! Reply with 'STOP' to end this madness.
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Hello, everyone! I've created a new Steemit t-shirt and I think that it's better than my previous one! I hope that you'll enjoy my work as well. Order here:
Beautiful work! Resteemed.
A maximum exponent and model to follow and taken to art, is a beauty congratulations.
Gandhi remains in our hearts forever; lovely banner.