Daily Practice #13a - The Born of a Charming Chimera (Recap)
Hi Everybody !
This is in fact the one that I designed and ended up using as my profile picture. It all started from that little fantasy-portrait and was following by some dynamic-poses practices that brought a lot of poses and new ideas.
After few of those, as always, many things happened and I ended up stopping the project. I didn't really have a lot of direction on what I wanted to do.
This is is also why I started new projects and buried this one. But after few months and few daily practices I realized that I had something nice and wanted to bring it back.
That is the reason I want to introduce the whole project since the beginning. To make it easier to those that follow these posts as tutorials and guides to understand the creative process that guided me to the final result. Which I hope I will make clear enough.
At this point I find myself looking for more practices of dynamism to understand and feel once again in the flesh of the character. This is also a great way to find an interesting pose with a great story behind.
In fact this will probably be the way I find a good and interesting composition for the illustration work that comes after the concept design. Which is all this process that we are and will be exploring.
Remember, we are creating a character from the scratch and everything what we can contribute with its description/story/background will be useful. Not only in terms of design, but also in the depth of interest that the viewer will have for the character. The more rich and in teresting the story, the more the viewer will engage.
(All the images are my own creation and therefore I own their rights)
This post was first made on Whaleshares.io and you can see it here

omg y really like your art dude! its amazing and these sketches are awesome