IV Accomplishments - Painting by Sabina Nore
Do you see all those little spheres, with all the individual accomplishments?
You can probably see a few, if you look for them but, zooming out, looking at it from the grand perspective, even the greatest individual accomplishments don't stand out so much. They are tiny compared to the big picture. The big picture, that's the sphere you see right away.
To understand and appreciate this painting, you would have to see it close up, as it is meant to be seen. Then, you would notice a bit more.
Individually speaking, even the grandest accomplishments of a singular person don't seem to amount to so much. Not when looking at the GRAND PICTURE. However, another thing you can observe here, when you look closer, is that, wherever there is one grand accomplishment, there are mostly others close by.
That's inspiration.
We inspire each other, every moment of every day, with everything we do.
Never underestimate the power of an individual.
Even the smallest personal accomplishment will ripple outwards, as well as inwards, and inspire new ideas, new solutions, new accomplishments. Inward, as well as outward.
I hope you are enjoying these recent explorations,
and I look forward to your feedback!
~ Thank you! ~

Sabina Nore
Jedno je sigurno @anibas, ovo bih bas volela da vidim uzivo. Odlicna slika i zaista lepa prica uz nju koju treba sebi cesto da ponavljamo, nekako se zaboravi uz put koliko su sve te ''sitne'' stvari bitne i cine jedno celo.
Hvala Dunja! Ko zna, mozda bude mogucnosti za tako nesto, a to bi bilo visestruko lepo!
Apsolutno se slazem @anibas, neverovatan je broj ljudi ovde koje bih zelela da upoznam uzivo.
Great message and awesome painting. So mystically beautiful. Resteemed!
So true and so wise 🙏🏽
(: Thank you
Good afternoon, I like your painting, are like millions of cells forming a new being, or millions of small ideas, building a huge idea... you've built a great job with hundreds of individual details. That's great.
Thank you @hiken-d-cris!
I really like your idea and the final graphic result. Good painting turned out! You have good black and white graphics, Sabina.
Thank you @feelisgood!
Reminds me of how tiny we are as creatures in this supergiant universe
Blue dot and all that. Yes, that too!
Edit: Actually, I'll include that video here as well. (I love that speech by Carl Sagan.)
Amazing work!
Thank you!