Watch Harley Quinn come to life in my 4 min timelpase video - Just in time for Suicide Squad

in #art8 years ago (edited)

So being the huge comic book buff that I am, I thought my Joker obviously needed a partner in crime, and who better than the awesome and innocently insane Harley Quinn herself!

So I start off with my initial sketch, and begin to add the first few washes of black to get the shape of the face right

Next, I begin working on her Harley hat and darkening the darks little by little. Since this piece is completely black and white, it takes multiple washes to build up the values and get the Black to a true black

Now its time for one of my favorite parts! which is the background! I love to just let the paint drip and make it very loose and random. for my watercolour pieces, I never know how I am going to finish them, and love to just let loose and let them be what they want to be letting the paint and water guide me along the way.

So after lots and lots of layers of black paint, she is finally done!

I wanted to portray Harley Quinn as the Innocent insane person she is, because really does she know she's insane? or is her insanity just part of her somewhat innocence? which is why I titled this piece "Harley Quinn-Innocent Insanity"

Here is the video for this piece, HOWEVER if you haven't checked out my Joker time-lapse yet, I would recommend watching that one first as this is a continuation to that, here Is the link

"Joker time-lapse video"

If you enjoy my work, please click this button to go on, you know you want to!

Also check out my work on the below sites, just click and away you go :)


Amazing painting man! Wow, and the video was awesome!

Thanks so much @the-future That really means a lot to me, and so glad you enjoyed it :)

Just watched your Joker video as well. These are incredible and kind of addicting, so I hope you'll keep posting more. It's fascinating to see how every line, every brush stroke shows up as you translate it from your imagination onto the paper. Plus - and it might just be the fact it's in time lapse - it's mindblowing the level of confidence you have as you go. Like, each brush stroke is dead-on, and you paint with a level of commitment that can only come from vivid inspiration.

WOW thanks so much for this @steemitpatina you have made my day with this comment and I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I love to be able to invite people into my studio and have them paint along with me.. I will definitely be posting more soon :)

Wow! You did a wonderful job!And the video is great!

Thanks so much @anca3drandom That really means a lot to me :) :)

Beautiful work! I think you are very talented! Thank you for sharing your work with us. :D

Thank you @alchemage I really appreciate it, you've put a smile on my face :) and I hope to open the doors to my studio and share lots more with everyone

Very cool as usual. I really like watching these.

Thanks so much @Stephen.King989 I really appreciate your feedback and taking the time to watch this :)

Awesomely talented @andressilvera My 9 year old boy (and myself of course) loved your harlequin. Please do lots more.

Thanks so much for that @booky, I really appreciate and so glad you guys liked it! you can check out my previous post to see my Joker painting as well :)

I love a good time lapse video! Great work.

Thanks so much @opheliafu I always appreciate your feedback :) I just watched your dotty video and it was so cool to see dots come together to create something beautiful

Please don't use the steemit tag for non-steemit-related content.

ok thanks for the feedback, I'm new on this so appreciate the info :)

Stunning ! This post and especially the video made my day !!! I am so sick lately of all the low quality videos that seem to be coming out of everywhere. So to encounter this visual gem, done not only with visual literacy but with true visual mastery ... Oh, it just does stuff to me ... Wakes me up. Fires me up ... Apart from making my reach for my pencils and brushes (which have collected way too much dust on them last few years). Thank you, Andres. Thank you ... This is what I call Balsam for the Soul !!!

WOW! @vesbond you have no idea how much that means to me, and the fact that this could inspire you even if just a little to pick up those brushes and create makes me incredibly happy!!

I cant wait to share more with everyone and start adding some cool tutorials and projects to try out :)

Just realised I voted without commenting. This is another superb piece of work! I love the monochrome style here and your trademark water drips really help make it. Great choice of music with "No Doubt" for the music and Harley theme too:)

Thanks @thecryptofiend, I'm really glad you liked her :) and I agree, when I was thinking of songs to use, This No doubt song was the one that hit me the most and I felt went great with Harleys Innocence and Insanity...cause deep down she is just a girl, a very disturbed one, but just a girl none the less..LOL :)