Angels and Demons: Fall of Lucifer drawing graphite by andreasalas

in #art6 years ago

angel 5.jpeg
How you have fallen from heaven, O star, son of the morning! You have been knocked to the ground, You who weakened the nations.
You have said in your Heart: 'I will ascend to heaven on high; I will raise my throne to the stars of God, and I will sit on the mount of the assembly, in the most distant regions of the north.
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds and be like the Most High. '
But you have been brought down to Sheol, to the deepest part of the pit.
Those who see you will Contemplate you; They will reflect before you saying: 'Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook the kingdoms, who turned the world into a desert, who destroyed his cities and who never opened the prison to his prisoners?'
Isaiah 14: 12-17

"Son of man, raise up lamentation over the king of Tire, and say to him, Thus says the Lord Yahweh: You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom, and finished with beauty. In Eden, in the garden of God you were; from every precious stone was your garment; of cornerina, topaz, jasper, chrysolite, beryl and onyx; of sapphire, carbuncle, emerald and gold; the refinements of your tambourines and flutes were prepared for you on the day of your creation. You, great cherub, protector, I put you on the holy mountain of God, there you were; in the midst of the stones of fire you walked. You were perfect in all your ways from the day you were created, until evil was found in you. Because of the multitude of your hireings you were filled with iniquity, and you sinned; so I cast you out of the mountain of God, and I threw you from the stones of fire, oh protective cherub. Your heart was exalted because of your beauty, you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor; I will throw you on the ground; I will set you before the kings to look in you. You profaned your sanctuary with the multitude of your wickedness and with the iniquity of your hiring; I, therefore, brought forth fire from among you, which consumed you, and I put you to ashes on the earth in the eyes of all who see you. All who knew you from among the peoples will marvel at you; you will be afraid, and you will cease to be forever. "
Ezekiel 28: 12-19

Satan desired the same authority as the God of heaven; and you are above the stars, the angels of God
I wanted to overthrow the government of God over the universe, its assembly.
He wanted to sore the glory that belonged to God, represented in the clouds.

"It will make me similar to the Most High" In short this was the sin of Lucifer or Satan, his pride. The desire for glory, honor and power that were of God.

The language of these texts goes beyond an earthly king, they point to the true power behind this ruler, Satan.

¡Cómo has Caído del cielo, oh lucero, hijo de la mañana! Has sido derribado al suelo, Tú que debilitabas a las naciones.
Tú has dicho en tu Corazón: 'Subiré al cielo en lo alto; hasta las estrellas de Dios levantaré mi trono y me sentaré en el monte de la asamblea, en las regiones Más distantes del norte.
Subiré sobre las alturas de las nubes y seré semejante al Altísimo.'
Pero has sido derribado al Seol, a lo Más profundo de la fosa.
Los que te vean te Contemplarán; Reflexionaràn ante ti diciendo: '¿Es éste aquel hombre que Hacía temblar la tierra, que Sacudía los reinos, que Convirtió el mundo en un desierto, que Destruía sus ciudades y que a sus prisioneros nunca les Abrió la Cárcel?'
Isaiah 14: 12-17

“Hijo de hombre, levanta endechas sobre el rey de Tiro, y dile: Así ha dicho Jehová el Señor: Tú eras el sello de la perfección, lleno de sabiduría, y acabado de hermosura. En Edén, en el huerto de Dios estuviste; de toda piedra preciosa era tu vestidura; de cornerina, topacio, jaspe, crisólito, berilo y ónice; de zafiro, carbunclo, esmeralda y oro; los primores de tus tamboriles y flautas estuvieron preparados para ti en el día de tu creación. Tú, querubín grande, protector, yo te puse en el santo monte de Dios, allí estuviste; en medio de las piedras de fuego te paseabas. Perfecto eras en todos tus caminos desde el día que fuiste creado, hasta que se halló en ti maldad. A causa de la multitud de tus contrataciones fuiste lleno de iniquidad, y pecaste; por lo que yo te eché del monte de Dios, y te arrojé de entre las piedras del fuego, oh querubín protector. Se enalteció tu corazón a causa de tu hermosura, corrompiste tu sabiduría a causa de tu esplendor; yo te arrojaré por tierra; delante de los reyes te pondré para que miren en ti. Con la multitud de tus maldades y con la iniquidad de tus contrataciones profanaste tu santuario; yo, pues, saqué fuego de en medio de ti, el cual te consumió, y te puse en ceniza sobre la tierra a los ojos de todos los que te miran. Todos los que te conocieron de entre los pueblos se maravillarán sobre ti; espanto serás, y para siempre dejarás de ser.”
Ezequiel 28: 12-19

Satanas deseaba la misma autoridad que el Dios de los cielos; y estas por encima de las estrella, los angeles de Dios
Queria derrocar el gobierno de Dios sobre el universo, su asamblea.
Deseaba sorepasar la gloria que pertenecía a Dios, representada en las nubes.

"Me hare semejante al Altisimo" En resumen este fué el pecado de Lucifer o Satanás, su orgullo. El deseo de la gloria, el honor y el poder que eran de Dios.

El lenguaje de estos textos va mas allá de un rey terrenal, señalan el verdadero poder detrás de este gobernante, Satanás.

Step 1

angel 1.jpeg

Step 2

angel 2.jpeg

step 3

angel 3.jpeg

Step 4

angel 4.jpeg

Step 5 final

angel 5.jpeg

I am andreasalas I hope you aya liked my sketches to see more drawings, I invite you to my blog @andreasalas

Soy andreasalas espero les aya gustado mis bocetos para ver mas dibujos, los invito a mi blog @andreasalas


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Wow, I did not know that it was a mistake on my part to share texts taken from the Bible. And even less make a simple analysis of that. It is a simple study of theology, information that can be found in all parts in the network and that does not mean that it has been copied.
I am new to this community, but at least I know the basic rules.

a wonderful representation of good and evil. what talent <3

amazing post

beatifull draw <3