This is a song I wrote "NO matter what they say" and It's "plagued" my ratties, my former fur babies and many friends :)
so you can guess it I love the ratty drawings, even the silhouettes of the ratty sketches hahahah :) I was scrolling down and said RATS and the title RATS and then I got inside cos you always fear it can have a bad connotation (though the drawing was super cute)
I read I like rats...
I'm in...
reply again so I can vote again with my super crappy vote, but it means a lot hahah
This is a song I wrote "NO matter what they say" and It's "plagued" my ratties, my former fur babies and many friends :)
so you can guess it I love the ratty drawings, even the silhouettes of the ratty sketches hahahah :) I was scrolling down and said RATS and the title RATS and then I got inside cos you always fear it can have a bad connotation (though the drawing was super cute)
I read I like rats...
I'm in...
reply again so I can vote again with my super crappy vote, but it means a lot hahah
That's a cool song! And I like all of the closeups of the very cute rats :)
ahh thank you :) yes they are cute, aren't they, ratties are the best!