My year on Steemit . Photo album .Part#3
Album photo en images cliquables des meilleures sculptures et collages photo publiées sur Steemit cette année:
Photo album with clickable images of my sculptures and photo collages published on steemit this year.
Skeleton collage for a limited edition artbook:
Violin :
Pewter age:
The photographer:
Rhinoceros after Dürer
King of fork:
Limited edition art book:
Pivotal period, castle
Babel tower
Dark white:

resteemed <3
Thanks ;-)
Really amazing collection of brilliant artworks. I like the rhino... is that going to be a sculpture too?
Thanks Reinhard In fact the 2D work was done after the sculpture :-) Published 4 monthes ago. Forgotten in the recap....
Wow! That is absolutely amazing. Don't know, how I could have missed it. Thanks a lot for sharing the link!
ohmy did you make these they are amazing!!! the frosty one esp wow wow wow
Thanks Yes i did . The frosty one is in season :-)
Dude... amazing work! You are metal wizard :)
Thanks spooks ;-)
Merci pour ces belles photos très étonnante. Je resteeme cet article ;)
Merci iptrucs
wow really i like this all photo.
Thanks sumonpra
Love your work so freakin much <3
Thanks a lot!
Beaucoups de travail et braucoups de patience de ta part pour en arriver à un tel résultat. C'est magnifiquement bien réalisé mes félicitations l'Artiste
P&U .
Merci kingcoins!
Pas de quoi @alain-bellino ⬆⬆⬆🔝
where can we buy your stuff?
Directly by mail ([email protected])