7 Kinds of Self-Portrait

in #art7 years ago

7 types of self portraiture

They look back at us. They look back with eyes which are careful, bold, thinking, vigorous, skeptical. Artists paint faces and eyes in the mirror and attract, but what they want to show is a hidden mind which is retreating through those eyes. Look at Italian for self-portrait, which is l'autoritratto. 'Ratrito is a picture or a picture and' auto 'is Greek - self, equally, easily derived; Directed from within. With the combination of self-depiction, self and simplicity, has made artists challenging and enticing for centuries and have led some of their most powerful, responsible works.

Is it in an inquiry or declaration? Artists' self-portrait tells us something about their beliefs: who they were, what they did, what became of them over time. Some artists, doubts, inquiries, hesitation check their faces, eyes and expressions slowly and ask: "Who am I?" While others see specific sentiments and character in their attributes and give bold and clear statements: "This is what I am, unlike any other!"

Self-portrait as an act of philosophical or emotional or psychological or investigating existence

Futurist Umberto Boccioni of the young future has seen himself (and we) together with philosophical separation as a controversial concentration: "I am here and what does this mean?" While the French Nabis (symbolic) painter, Edouard Willard, with an attitude of intense interest and curiosity, fishes in the depth of his psychology. This is not a separate intellectual analysis, but a deeply psychological exploration. "Can this 'face' really be me? Vuillard often painted with oil on the cardboard through the accumulation of colored spots, facilitating an investigation that examines its appearance.


Umberto Bocconee Edouard Willard

Picture itself as an expressive manifesto

In his own picture, author Victor Hugo pushed the crisis into fever pitch in his emotional / survival. What does this say? Afraid? anger? Horror? Madness and dark side notifications Hugo portrayed and painted the most expressive and modernist / surrealistic images. The great illustrator Delacroes clearly writes to Hugo that if he had become a dedicated artist, he would have been one of the best in that century.

Seventh-century Italian painter Salvatore Rosa was known for the wild, terrible scenario set up in southern Italian scenes where bandits had regularly kidnapped insufficient passengers. After a century, he was considered himself a bandit, which could have done something to do with melodramatic self-pictures left behind. He portrayed himself as a dark, troubled romantic, an angry outsider, as if to say: "I am not bad, I paint myself like this." Actually, as well as being a great, dynamic painter, she was successful in printmaker, poet, and actor. With the unfortunate habit of joining the bitter fights he was known for being in vain.

Born in 1898, Yuko Sauci was an obsession of France and influential Japanese painting painter after the twentieth century, who had settled in the twentieth century to study under the Willim with his family. We can see the best passion and hope in Saiki's self-portrait. Sadly, at the age of 30, he died in TB, Peneless's Parisian asylum, hopes were shattered. Saiki is often considered as a tragic romantic hero, Japanese Van Gog in his country.


Victor Hugo Salvatore Rosa UCO Saiki

Self portrait as a signature within a masterpiece

For Velasquez, self-portrait was a calling card and the announcement of rank, its masterpiece, Las Meninas, within the end of his art. He recollects his height in the ranks of nobility, in which primarily he is involved in portrayal of the infant with the king and the queen, which appears in a distant mirror. While the Filippo script, whose own image is more hidden within the Virgin's Coronation (but not really hidden), saying to us, "Ah! You have found me! And yes, this is who did all this He does not look like everyone else in the Virgin with excited attention. Instead, he accepts us by breaking the fourth wall. His expression includes pride, accuracy and curiosity that we can answer his work.

Filipo script coronation of the virgin