What is FREESPACE? (Architecture Biennale 2018 Venice)
If you could build your own FREESPACE, what would it look like? 🤔
That is the theme of this year's Architecture Biennale in Vienna.
I wasn't sure what to expect going there, but it wasn't exactly what I found... 🙃🌳

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Plant Neurobiology, Biomimicry, and Naturepreneurship
Facilitating evolutionary Interspecies Communication to CoCreate Nature-Inspired Places, Products, and Processes.
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Plant neurobiology, biomimicry, social innovation, plant music, design, interspecies communication, urban planning... These are just some of the biophilic topics I cover on my website and here on Steemit. Follow along and comment often. My goal is to create discussion, not give a conference! And if you explore related topics, let me know in the comments, I would love to follow you.