This alternative concept for many is based on a basic concept of a good life, which implies that it should not be better than that of others, nor should we go out of our way to improve it, for this we must have a deep respect for the Earth, as the mother of all who We inhabit the Planet.

In this sense, we cannot follow a civilizational logic in the best Western style, but rather each person, from the depth of their beliefs, achieves the necessary balance between the human being and nature, because if we observe carefully, we have not stopped being predators with common sense?

Therefore, it is not only about the search for a decent home in harmony with nature, it is a way of life that is not at odds with science. Nor is it about returning to the caves, but it is about creating healthy habitats that also represent lower costs not only in their construction but in the use of polluting materials even at the time of their production, there are other considerations to be taken into account, which keep relationship with respect for nature, for example the use of solar energy, the winds.

bioconstructions are of historical data, our indigenous ancestors made homes with mud, using what is known today as the Bahareque (bajareque) technique, which is nothing more than a framework made from materials obtained from nature, which depend on the geographical area; So we see that in my city, they are still used today, unfortunately not as a constructive alternative and more as a response to the need for housing, perhaps due to ignorance of the benefits that the use of these techniques contains, but making use of materials from the environment such as: native woods, cane, stone, earth for the manufacture and construction of the elements involved, others from commercial construction also intervene, as I call it.

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