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RE: #archisteem 1: Blockchain Technology in City Architecture and Planning
In my opinion the real crux is how technology translates to the construction site. BIM in the design process, and the occupation stage is easy to utilise. The hurdle is still how the workers in site make use of BIM. Maybe the answer is in future methods of construction?
method of construction are one of the future construction. I believe that one day, 3D printing will be applicable and preferable method to construct anything. Before getting into 3D printing or building anything, dwg; design, and approval process have to be swift, accurate, unbiased, incorruptible, and the most important those design should reflect on human comfort and living quality. Because of that, all the action above have to be monitor an kept by a single trusted entity ( for now it looks like blockchain tech).
I had the same question, but everything can be slowly improving in my opinion. I was working in Off-Site construction which consists more importantly of supply-chain and schedule. We were implementing the uses of the technology to improve the processes of construction with CIP Formworks. We were using new tools and scanners and marking the processes in a manual for the workers to follow, so we can train them and measure everything in detail and keep the record on the platform. It's hard of course, mostly with developing countries because the workers are low class and not well prepared for the tech industry. But with good training, even a kid can just follow a manual of instructions. We had very good results. But again the question is: How can we trust the guy who is pressing the "finish" button and know that the work done was actually approved by the QA?. I guess we can start by working with the smart contracts, with the encrypted history maybe we can trust that people will need to think twice before pressing the finish button...