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RE: Emotional cocktail in multiplayer games

in #archdruidcontest6 years ago

Oh, I gave on Multiplayer Games... I just couldn't handle the community, I know that you can just mute them but it just doesn't make for a good time! It was LoL eventually turned me off them for good...

That said, I did have some really great servers that player Counterstrike: Source (a French server, possibly was completely toxic, but I couldn't understand!) and Team Fortress 2 (English UK server). The thing that made these servers stand out was that there was a regular group of players that were always on at the right times, and as we were subscribed to the server we had the privilege of booting any non-subscribed player to create a space to join up.

This meant that you were playing with regulars who both knew how to play the game... and who were playing for fun with friends. I miss those days, I made really good friends with internet players, but I never met them in real-life, but I would hear all about their lives through the in-game chats.


Another LoL quitter :D Their communities are cancer, but otherwise, I enjoy them, but it's just because I'm not a target of these toxic people. It is enough to be a decent healer or tank, and nobody is blaming you. However, if there were somebody hating me like my fiancé hating other people in the team (mostly bad damagers), I would quit Overwatch. I still wonder why he doesn't get a ban.

I got to gold rank yesterday! So I'm not that bad. I can save other's asses as Lucio.

a French server, possibly was completely toxic, but I couldn't understand!

That sounds like a great idea!

I play just with my real life friends, but as a girl (some people somehow finds out even when I'm not talking or writing - is my nick so girly?) some Czech or Slovak guys add me to friends time to time. Then I find out that they are like 12 years old. So only kids do this, I guess. Well, one of them didn't know I was a girl. He just saw some decent Czech player, so I was quite happy that someone appreciates me.

And since you played TF2 I must share this Youtube video with you:

I was laughing so hard. Mostly at the beginning when Overwatch players are completely insane in spawn room because it is so true! Is TF2 part also true? I never played it, but I see the characters are mostly the same.

Oh that video is great! I've never played Overwatch so I have no idea about that side of things, but the TF2 parts are spot on! Going right up to the gate to taunt, sentry nests on top of the down point! Too good!

I'm saying that your avatar probably gives you away as a girl... Or maybe the pipi part! And yep, I rage quit so hard out of LOL I uninstalled it... Even though I had a pretty decent account...