Archaeologists can not imagine where used "unusual" artifacts found in Colombia?

in #archaeology9 years ago

Colombia - a country that preserves many ancient artifacts. Here researchers found was once mysterious and complex set of pieces made using an unknown technology.

After the studies found that the material for them served basanite - an incredibly difficult in processing rock, reminiscent of the level of hardness of granite. At the age of artifacts, according to experts, is at least 6,000 years.

Archaeologists believe that this finding does not fit the traditional ancient culture of Colombia. They are scratching their heads over how and why they were made. In addition, the use of such a complex carving basanite also unclear. After all, if people did not have any modern knowledge, had special adaptations. The solid puzzle ...

As said by experts who have studied these "impossible" artifacts, making similar objects of the same material is virtually impossible even now, with all the available technologies.


The pre-flood world was pretty crazy according to the remnant of what we got (chinese, hebrew, indian, meso-american, greek, etc.). The flood was real and some crazy shit was going on back then.

When you add up all the archaeological finds, including fossils, buildings and other artefacts and the stories that they portray and also historical events in general, as well as human dna, in my mind it should be impossible to NOT believe that humans are genetically created by intelligent life forms and that from start till present our entire history we have been played by these life forms, my best logical guess is that this same race of beings is pulling the strings in this world till this day.

After having seen all the evidence, to believe in the natural evolution of humans without any intervention is even more ignorant then believing in a man with a beard in the clouds creating everything in 7 days by waving a wand. It's an incredible sign of ignorance and very poor pattern recognition.

Interesting Article!
These artiffacts are just tip of a huge iceberb of evidences that show us how Ignorant we are about Ancient History... Honestly I believe we were more advanced mentally, physically and technologically on those times...