My new project for 2018!

in #aquaponics7 years ago


My name is Sébastien, I'm 44. I live in France.
It's my very first article and I would like to present you my project for 2018.

A new ecological system that allows me to grow my own vegetables : An aquaponics system !

Really simple, and really efficient.

But what's Aquaponics ?

Aquaponics is a combination of two farming models:
aquaculture (raising fish and other aquatic organisms) and hydroponics (above-ground cultivation of plants using water enriched with materials and mineral).

This technique has been used for millennia in Asia (rice-fish culture) and in Latin America among the Aztecs (chinampas).

This virtuous system produces both vegetables and fish for consumption.
The latest studies on aquaponics have shown that vegetables grow 2 to 3 times faster than in a conventional vegetable garden.

Because plant roots are in constant contact with oxygen and nutrients, plants grow faster than in the soil. In addition, the permitted crop densities are also higher than in conventional culture because the roots with all that they need are not grown as much as in the ground and do not compete with each other.

Aquaponics can save between 90 and 95% of the water that would be needed in conventional culture.

I have already made a small system in 2017 just to test its effectiveness.
I managed to grow some vegetables (strawberries, tomatoes, basil, aubergine ...)


This year I pass the top speed!
I invite you donations to follow me throughout this adventure ...
I will post news regularly.
I intend to start the project at the beginning of March

See U soon!!!



I love urban gardening / home gardening! That's awesome! :D

Very interesting!! and yes the Xoxhimilcas in the antique Mexico did something similar but in big scale on the waterways of the area, and the axolotles (the famous animal that grows his limps back) lives around the chinampas and many other fish of course, but it's a great idea to have on anyones back yard :)

Thank you!
It can really become the farmer of the future!
there are already similar systems in cities. A response to the lack of space, how to feed everyone, and in addition that privileged shorts circuits!