The Deepest Principle In Human Nature Is....
You know the golden rule right?
"Treat others like you want to be treated!"
It comes from age old philosophy as well as some biblical verses that hammer home this powerful point...People just wanna feel good! And you have the ability to make them feel good...By treating them good!
It's amazing how this simple idea can be lost in today's world. A simple act of kindness, a smile, a gracious response...Little tiny acts of kindness, that can change someones day.
"O.K. Jon, what does this have to do with STEEM?"
Great question and I'm glad you asked!
I came across this quote recently that helped me see the bigger picture for STEEM. It allowed me to remember why I'm so passionate about this place and how much potential I believe it truly has...

The feeling you get when you are appreciated is about as good as it gets. Now I know someone who is a lot smarter than me could break this down into a science and explain why it's such a good feeling. But I'll just leave it at this...
I will go to ends of the earth for anyone if I feel they appreciate me!
Bold statement?
Maybe but how does this translate into a lesson we can use here on STEEM?
It's part of my game plan on the blockchain...The one thing I crave more than anything here is engagement. Because I know, with engagement lots of other fantastic things start showing up at your doorstep.
So my goal, every time I post some content is get my followers and readers to engage with me.
And it's not just some self serving trick either...To show how much I APPRECIATE the engagement, I always upvote comments and try to respond to every single person that comes to my blog!
I feel it's the least I can do for my readers but more importantly...I want them to know that I appreciate them!
This is why STEEM has so much potential in my opinion...It's not just the content creators that can be rewards. It's the curators as well. The people that leave a comment or an opinion, can be rewarded too! This is so powerful, because not everyone is a content creator (yet!). They may not feel confident enough to write a blog post. Perhaps the last thing on their mind is to record a video and upload it to @dtube . And that's o.k.! Because here...You can grow with the platform and apps!
You may not feel confident enough right now...But imagine that you started following a content creator who made it known every time you posted a comment, that you were appreciated.
I know I feel that way so it can't just be me :)
I would implore you...The next time you create some content and get a response or even comment on other Steemian's blogs...Let them know they are appreciated!
The universe has a funny way of rewarding legitimate honest to goodness appreciation!
Posted from my blog with SteemPress :
Many years ago when I worked in consulting I had a boss who did little things like sending memos to his boss about how I rewrote a program or something. When I got copied on those memos I felt so appreciated. He was not a perfect boss, but I would have walked through fire for him--because I felt valued.
right? that simple act had a huge impact on your life and i’m sure your performance at work. simple but so impactful
Posted using Partiko iOS
I think the same way, Jon. And as you already said, Steemit is an excellent platform to show its appreciation and reward commitment.
yessir. appreciate the comments sir. always.
Posted using Partiko iOS
More bloggers on steem need to heed your advice and acknowledge the folks that due comment on there posts. You always do but many do not.
Posted using Partiko iOS
hope more steemians follow along. cause there is nothing more encouraging than an upvote and reply from an account t higher than yours.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Totally agree with you, though I'd love for people to take true engagement to another level ie to the account level and not post level. To me, responding to comments to my post is not only a sign of appreciation, but basic manners and respect. After all, if someone made the effort to nod and smile and say good morning to you, it would be rude to ignore them and not respond back. But wouldn't it be nice if we all went out more to say hello to strangers instead of just our own friends? You never know who you will meet.
absolutely. that’s why i think there should be some kind of ‘recommended’ list that would be unique for each steemian. i made a post about it a few weeks ago. would love to follow more folks. just wanna find the first lol without relying on the trending page.
Posted using Partiko iOS
You and I both understand the power of engagement and making people feel good.
It all comes down to what Zig Ziglar hammered "If you help enough people get what they want you will get what you want."
Pretty simple. Not necessarily easy, but simple.
Thanks Jon.
yup. not always the easiest thing for sure. and love the zig quote. the longer i go in this business thing the more i understand how important that is.
Posted using Partiko iOS
I see it as a positive reinforcement for being my friend. If you upvote my comment you are affirming you appreciate my views. It doe not mean you have with agree with the other persons view. What would the world be like if we all had the same viewpoint? Let me state it this way... with out a difference of opinion would a person want to achieve creating a faster car, a better widget. I would say no... because you settle for where things are at today. By stepping out of your comfort zone and making a video you are stating an opinion. My viewpoint is this... It is ok to disagree with me! Insulting me is a little different... however, stating your opinion is what blogging is really good for. You can create an active conversation with your audience... so if you say something feel free to agree or disagree with me. I don't have all of the answers! Just most of them... LOL
my wife tells me that all the time. lol
Posted using Partiko iOS
She has all the answers! :)
I always try to treat others the way I want to be treated and it is always nice to be treated the same way. I just wish there was more of this treatment in the little around me. I think it would be a more positive influence, especially for the younger generation. Just throwing it out there
Posted using Partiko Android
be the change is always what i tell myself. if i am ‘nice’ to people and acknowledge’ll be returned.
Posted using Partiko iOS
That's a great philosophy.
Posted using Partiko Android
Everybody wants to be appreciated. You have to be honest in providing that experience though. Good point to bring forward!
Posted using Partiko Android
yessir. nothing fires people up more. and we can do that everyday here.
Posted using Partiko iOS
A very good read, so many people could use your words. I grew up on the river and one thing that everyone did when meeting another boat is wave at each other. But I have been noticing the new generation of boaters do not wave back. I know it is not personal, but a simple wave gives me a good feeling where no wave gives me nothing.
agreed. it’s so simple. a quick kind gesture here and there. makes a world of difference.
Posted using Partiko iOS
For. E it shows when someone actually reads your post and respond back in detail to what you’ve written. That’s real engagement and appreciation. And those are the ones that I really want to support more.
Being a curator is tough but if it’s a job then better not be one. Don’t destroy the true meaning of being a curator. We’ve got to have pride in it.
the best thing about steem. is curators are as important if not more so than creators. i know i appreciate them very much.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Yes let's continue to do so together