Apple announces iOS 11! What are the most exciting new features?

in #apple7 years ago (edited)


Apple just announced iOS 11 on the WWDC17 in San Jose, CA!

The past years, the updates to the iPhone´s software never really wooed me. This year in my opinion nothing really innovative was announced either. I feel Apple has huge potential to make iOS so much better but they don´t to do it. Simple things like customized control center for example.

Nevertheless here is a short & brief overview:

  1. Messages: long overdue iCloud synchronization is finally here
  2. Apple Pay: Send money to other people via iMessage
  3. Sri: more human like voice; real time translation; What Siri learns about you is synchronized throughout all your devices.
  4. Camera: 2x better compression for videos and photos; improved portrait mode in low light situations
  5. Photos: trim live photos and set another key photo; added effects to live photos to choose from like bounce, loop and long exposure
  6. Control Center: major redesign; everything on one page
  7. Maps: detailed floor plans in malls and on airports in selected locations; lane guidance
  8. "Do not disturb while driving": the phone will know when you are driving
  9. Home Kit: added category "Speakers"
  10. Apple Music: gets more social. You will be able to see what your friends are listening to
  11. App Store: faster App-Review times; phased releases: when you release an app you can choose to release it over time (updates); complete redesign of the App Store App
  12. AR Kit for developers