I don’t know what happened now, my soul is relaxed and positive but my mind is b ...

in #appics5 years ago

... locked. I can’t fly in my dreams but can build a whole city in a sec. Oh universe what ever this is, please help me to fix it fast, show me where I failed. Im not upset about that but just want to know what I need now, what I need to learn, what I need to know, what I have to do .


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So beautiful. 🤩

i guess these days we all think about our lives a lot more than usual and feel kind of lost at some point. don't worry too much though - keep your eyes open for the chances along your path...

Thank you so much happy to hear, that iam not the only one and yes for sure I do that! 😊

so sweet 😍😍

What’s more beautiful..you or the flower? 😍

Lovely look ❤❤