
Vigor, mindfulness, restraint and self-control are the controls... As for what standard, well, those typically are dependant on local customs, but in a broader context, I'd go with don't kill, don't steal, don't make deals to get around the things you value, don't be a fuckboi and just collect names on a list of conquests, stay positive with your actions out of love,.... I really could go on all day... But honestly, if we lived by "the word of the lord" as written in the books of mad Kings, we'd still be living the crusades,.... Oh wait, we are.... In the name of various "local Lord's"... We are all one, we can put down the weapons of negative intent, and focus on building each other up, solving problems and comparing notes, working together...

TLDR; I don't judge, I observe. Standards observed: noble eightfold path, four noble truths, history, Bible, Alan Watts, Terrance McKenna, Homer, Simpsons... Evolution of Society as a whole over the last 39 living years.

Hi @sn0n..

I'm 34 years old and I'm starting to use Steemit's search features, and it looks like their search features have improved since 2008.

Nice 😀👍

Wait what? LoL.. 2008?

Ah .. I meant to type 2018 😂