This Application Make You Can Use iOS on Computer

This time @GadgetGaul will discuss about the app, what are the apps? Check out more below:
ipadian emulator
Aplikasi pertama adalah iPadian Emulator, aplikasi ini merupakan salah satu emulator iOS yang paling populer dan paling banyak digunakan. Dengan bantuan iPadian, Gadgeteers dapat menjalankan aplikasi maupun game berbasis iOS pada perangkat laptop/pc. Emulator ini cukup menarik karena mampu mengikuti perkembangan versi iOS. Misalkan ketika Apple mengeluarkan update iOS terbaru, iPadian juga akan menampilkan pesan pada layar untuk mengunduh update sistem dan menjalankan versi terbaru dari iOS tersebut.
Air iPhone Emulator
Second is the iPhone Water. In this application Gadgeteers presented a friendly and simple interface. Unfortunately to be able to run this program the laptop / pc gadget Gadgeteers need to pluginAdobe Air, which actually it is not a big problem. IPhone water is suitable for developers to try and test the application before the application is released final.
Unfortunately, iPhone Water is not fully functional, most of the apps functionality that is displayed is not all can be used and still lacks in terms of browsers that are not yet available. But at least Gadgeteers still get a look like when using IOS-based OS.
Well, the two applications are iOS emulators that Gadgeteers can use for free and definitely recommended by @GadgetGaul own. How? Which one according to the best Gadgteeers?