Continue Apartheid Era Timeline 1986-1990

in #apartheid8 years ago (edited)

Previous post contained 1980 - 1985 timeline (thanks to Wiki off course)


4 – Two people are killed and two others injured when their vehicle detonates an anti-tank land mine at Stockpoort in the Ellisras area, not far from the Botswana border.
5 – A policeman and a cadre are killed at a police roadblock on the East London-King William's Town road.
7 – A grenade is thrown at a Railways policeman in Soweto.
8 – A Pretoria sub-station is damaged by an explosion.
9 – A limpet mine explodes at 21h15 and damages a substation in Jacobs, Durban. Later a second limpet explodes, killing a policeman and injuring other policemen and two electrical workers who arrive at the scene.
18 – Two limpet mines damage a sub-station in Westville, Durban.
20 – A coup d'état, led by Major General Justin Lekhanya, deposes Lesotho's prime minister Leabua Jonathan and re-instates King Moshoeshoe II in power.
20 – African National Congress members based in Lesotho are deported to Zambia.
20 – Four limpet mines damage an electrical pylon near Durban at 20h45. A fifth mine, probably aimed at the police and repair crew, explodes later with no injuries.
31 – During the opening of Parliament State President of South Africa Pieter Willem Botha outlines government policy on the restoration of South African citizenship to Blacks.
A Soweto man throws a grenade at three policemen and is killed when the policemen retaliate.


2 – A soldier and a cadre are killed near Alldays.
4 – Four South African Army soldiers are injured when a cadre throws a grenade into their military vehicle at Gugulethu.
9 – A limpet mine destroys two police vehicles at Umlazi police station near Durban when parked after returning from riot patrol.
10 – A large bomb is defused by police in Amanzimtoti, 200 m from where the December 1985 blast took place for which Andrew Zondo was hanged.
12 – A pick-up detonates an anti-tank mine near Messina, with no injuries.
16 – A police Casspir detonates an anti-tank land mine in Mamelodi.
17 – Two policemen and two cadres are killed while one is arrested in Zwide.
19 – An explosion in a toilet block near the radio control room at the Cambridge East police station causes no injuries.
An explosion occurs at a Durban sub-station.
At De Deur a limpet mine causes structural damage to a sub-station.
A hand grenade explodes in a Transkei minister's official car.


3 – Seven black men, the Gugulethu Seven, are killed in a confrontation with police in Gugulethu.
4 – An explosion on the 3rd floor of John Vorster Square injures two policemen and two civilians.
7 – A limpet mine is found at the Hillbrow Police Station and is safely detonated by police.
7 – A State of Emergency that lasted eight months is lifted by the government.
12 – Esther Masuku, mother of youth activist and SACC member Oupa Masuku, is killed in a hand grenade attack on their house in Atteridgeville, Pretoria.
12 – The Eminent Persons Group meets imprisoned African National Congress leader Nelson Mandela.
15 – A limpet mine explodes in front of the Springs railway station, seriously injuring one person.
17 – A mini-limpet is discovered at the Afrikaans high school at Elsburg, Germiston and is safely detonated.
19 – A car belonging to a special branch policeman is destroyed by a limpet mine.
19 – A bomb blast occurs inside the property of the Springs New Apostolic Church.
21 – Four mines explode at an Escom sub-station in Durban.
25 – Trevor Manuel's ban is lifted.
26 – A Vosloorus man is killed by police when he throws a grenade at them.
Police come under fire at a funeral in Dobsonville.


8 – The home of the former Labour Party secretary in Natal, Kevin Leaf, is attacked.
10 – A person is killed and four injured when a limpet mine explodes at Braamfontein station in Johannesburg.
18 – Two people are killed and several others are injured when a bomb explodes at the Wild Coast Casino at Bizana in the Eastern Cape Province. The African National Congress denies responsibility. Phumzile Mayaphi would be charged, found guilty of murder and sabotage and sentenced to death on 12 May 1989.
21 – Two anti-tank landmines detonate in the Breyten-Chrissiesmeer district, injuring two people in a taxi and one tractor driver.
21 – A cadre is seriously injured when he and others attack the police in Alexandra, Gauteng.
23 – An explosion occurs at the Cala post office.
24 – An explosion occurs at the Meyerspark post office.
27 – Gordon Webster, under arrest in Edendale hospital, is aided to escape by Robert McBride and other Umkhonto we Sizwe insurgents, who kill an innocent bystander and injure the two policemen who are guarding Webster.


1 – Two grenades are thrown at the home of Mr. Klein, principal of Wentworth Primary School. Klein and his wife are both injured.
7 – A bomb explosion causes extensive damage to Benmore Gardens Shopping Centre, Sandton.
25 – A vehicle detonates an anti-tank mine on the farm of Colonel Koos Durr near Davel. Two civilians are killed and eight injured.
26 – A tractor detonates a second anti-tank mine on the farm of Colonel Koos Durr, this time with no injuries.
Police finds a 15 kg bomb under a car in downtown Durban and defuses it.


5 – Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe agree to the establishment of the Limpopo Basin Permanent Technical Committee.
10 – A vehicle detonates an anti-tank mine on the farm Boshoek, 5 km from Volksrust, and injures one person.
10 – On another farm, Blomhof, also near Volksrust, an anti-tank mine injures two farm workers.
12 – The Government declares a nationwide state of emergency.
14 – A car bomb explodes outside the "Magoo's" and "Why Not" bars on the Durban beachfront, killing three and injuring 69 civilians. Robert McBride would later be sentenced to death for the bombing but would be granted amnesty by the ANC government and appointed in several successive senior government positions.
16 – A probable anti-tank mine explosion kills three Bophuthatswana Defence Force troops in a troop carrier in the Winterveldt region.
22 – Limpet mines damage fuel storage tanks and a liquid fuel pipeline at the Mobil Refinery near Durban.
22 – A limpet mine explodes at 01h45 outside a Copper Shop on West Street, Durban.
24 – An explosion at 14h00 injures 16 civilians at a Wimpy Bar fast-food restaurant on Rissik Street, Johannesburg.
27 – At a police roadblock near the Botswana border four cadres are killed and one policeman injured.
28 – An explosion just before 12h00 injures two people in a Queenstown shopping centre.
29 – An explosion occurs at the Alice post office.
30 – A limpet mine explodes at 03h15 on a pedestrian bridge in Westville, Durban and a second limpet aimed at responding policemen explodes 15 minutes later.
A bomb explodes at Jabulani Amphitheatre in Soweto, with no injuries.
Ten people are killed in an explosion in a minibus in Bophuthatswana.

July - my 10th birthday. Around this time I remember my Dad and I, use to go stand guard at one of the corners of my Primary school real early like 3am, against strangers leaving packages at school (bombs). We had radio contact with the 3 other dads on other corners, and my dad was armed.

1 – An explosion outside the Carlton Hotel in Johannesburg injures eight civilians.
4 – A limpet mine explodes outside Checkers supermarket in Silverton, Pretoria and injures 20 civilians.
5 – An explosion at the Mowbray police station in Cape Town slightly injures two policemen.
5 – One civilian is injured when a vehicle detonates an anti-tank land mine near Volksrust.
5 – In Vosloorus and Katlehong, five Development Board officials are killed in two attacks on their vehicles and two insurgents are killed in the return fire.
6 – Police kill three cadres and arrest one in Empangeni.
9 – Piet Ntuli, Minister of Home Affairs of KwaNdebele, is killed by a car bomb explosion in KwaNdebele.
10 – An explosion injures seven civilians in Silverton.
10 – Police and members of the South African Defence Force ambush and kills 6 cadres near Alldays.
22 – A policeman is killed in Katlehong.
23 – Passbook laws are relaxed to counter the escalating international condemnation [1]
28 – Two cadres are killed near Nelspruit.
30 – The Umtata Police station comes under attack and three policemen and four innocent bystanders are killed.
30 – A vehicle detonates an anti-tank landmine near Nelspruit.
During a two-hour gun battle in Mdantsane police kill an insurgent.


3 – An explosion occurs at the Lakeside post office.
15 – Trevor Manuel is detained for the second time, this time only to be released in 1988.
16 – Four cadres are killed and one injured in the eastern Transvaal, near the Swaziland border.
17 – A vehicle detonates an anti-tank landmine on the farm Stellen Rust near Nelspruit, killing five and injuring two civilians.
22 – Inkatha Freedom Party member Winnington Sabelo comes under grenade attack and Umkhonto we Sizwe terrorists fire at the car of his wife as she enters the driveway, killing her and injuring three children.
24 – In Imbali the home of town councillor Austin Kwejama comes under grenade attack and one child is killed and another injured.


1 – A bomb explodes at the Pick and Pay supermarket in Montclair, Durban and injures one civilian.
7 – A car bomb explodes not far from The Star's Seaside Home in Durban, a holiday home for underprivileged children.
24 – The home of Soweto Housing Director, Del Kevin, is extensively damaged by a limpet mine.
30 – A Northern Natal policeman is injured in an attack.
A mini-limpet mine explodes in the bar of the Devonshire Hotel, a popular venue for Wits students, injuring three civilians.
A grenade is thrown into a crowded night club in Edenpark, Alberton.


6 – Six soldiers are injured when their military vehicle detonates an anti-tank mine at Mbuzini near the Mozambique border.
19 – The aircraft carrying Mozambican President Samora Machel crashes in the Lebombo Mountains near Mbuzini, South Africa.
20 – A limpet mine explodes outside the Lamontville Police station.
22 – Two anti-tank landmine explosions occur.
The police station in Newcastle is attacked.


2 or 4 – An anti-tank landmine explosion kills one woman and injures a child near Nelspruit.
4 – A landmine kills a soldier on horseback in the eastern Transvaal.
10 – Two bombs explode at the Newcastle Magistrates Court, injuring 24 people including the Magistrate and Public Prosecutor.
13 – The system of Pass laws was formally repealed
14 – A landmine injures a farmer and his son in the Alldays district.
23 – A limpet mine explodes at Fordsburg flats, new housing for Soweto town councillors.
Two offices of PUTCO bus company are bombed in Soweto after a fare increase of 17.5% is announced.


15 – A police vehicle detonates an anti-tank mine in the Barberton area, injuring the two occupants.
19 – An anti-tank landmine injures defence force members in the Komatipoort area.
19 – A grenade attack is executed on the home of a Soweto councillor and two policemen are injured.
27 – Three cadres and two policemen are killed near Messina.



1 – South African Defence Force servicemen are attacked in Alexandra, Johannesburg and at least one is injured.
3 – Three people are injured when a limpet mine explodes at the corner of Jeppe and Delvers Streets in Johannesburg.
8 – At the AECI plant, a police officer is shot at and in the skirmish that follows, two policemen and one civilian are injured.
9 – A bomb explodes at the OK Bazaars, a national supermarket chain, in Eloff Street, Johannesburg during a protracted strike.
9 – A riot squad policeman is killed and two injured when a grenade is thrown into their vehicle.
9 – Police raid English-language newspapers, seizing documents related to an advertisement calling for the legalising of the African National Congress.
20 – The Margo Commission, which is set up to investigate the air disaster in which Samora Machel, Mozambiqian President, was killed, commences.[1]
21 – Twelve people are killed, including seven children, in KwaMakutha near Amanzimtoti, when the home of the United Democratic Front activist Bheki Ntuli is attacked by a group of men armed with AK-47 rifles.
23 – Two cadres/terrorists are killed in Soweto.
24 – One Transkei soldier or police officer is injured in an Umkhonto we Sizwe attack in Mendu, Willowvale.
30 – Three soldiers and one police officer are killed in an attack in Alexandra, Johannesburg.
31 – The home of town councillor Senokoane in Diepmeadow, Soweto is attacked and six people are injured, including two police officers.


2 – The single quarters of the Bokomo Police Station is attacked twice with grenades and one policeman is injured.
5 – An Explosion at a bus shelter outside the Groote Schuur Hospital injures one person.
18 – A number of people are killed in a grenade attack on Tladi Secondary School.
19 – Chief Lushaba and Samuel Jamile of the Inkatha Freedom Party are injured when a grenade is thrown at them.
A limpet mine explosion causes damage to a shop in Matatiele.


3 – A cadre/terrorist is shot and killed by police in Gugulethu after he fired on their patrol with an AK-47.
9 – One police officer and two municipal police officers are killed in Gugulethu. One cadre//terrorists is also possibly killed but this is unconfirmed.
11 – Police confirms a skirmish at Zone 13 Mdantsane in Ciskei, but gives no details.
11 – A cadre/terrorist is shot and killed in a house in New Crossroads.
12 – Sweden announces a total boycott on trade with South Africa, effective from October.
13 – Four municipal police officers are killed and one injured in Atteridgeville.
16 – A grenade is thrown at the home of a police officer in Kagiso but causes no injuries.
17 – During a police raid in Inanda, a cadre and a woman are killed. Another man and a baby are injured in the raid.
17 – Three explosions damage the railway line between Newcastle and Johannesburg.
28 – An anti-tank landmine kills four people and injures one in the Josefsdal area near the Swaziland border.


1 – Three soldiers are killed and two injured when a grenade is thrown into their Hippo armoured personnel carrier in either Mabopane or Mamelodi.
1 – A grenade is thrown at the home of Councillor Radebe in Dobsonville, with no injuries.
2 – Three policemen are injured in Nyanga when a grenade is thrown at them.
8 – Two cadres/terrorists and a police officer are killed in a shootout at Ventersdorp.
9 – Three police officers come under attack in Meadowlands Zone 10.
10 – Ciskei, South Africa and Transkei sign a security pact in Cape Town, prohibiting cross-border violence between the three states.
14 – The home of a police officer in Chesterfield, Durban, comes under grenade attack with no injuries.
15 – A special branch police officer is killed by a sniper and another injured south of Durban in Umbumbulu.
16 – An explosion in the parking area of a Newcastle supermarket injures two people.
20 – A grenade is thrown at group of soldiers at the Dube train station in Soweto. No casualties are reported.
23 – The home of a police officer in Bonteheuwel comes under grenade attack.
24 – During a riot police raid in Umlazi, Durban, two cadres/terrorists are killed and three riot police officers are injured.
24 – Police invade the UCT campus in an unprecedented show of force.
30 – Four police officers are injured in a grenade attack on their barracks in Osizweni, Newcastle.


5 – Two people are killed and twenty injured in a landmine explosion on a road close to Messina near the Zimbabwe border.
5 – Two mini-limpets explode at the Johannesburg Civic Centre, with no injuries.
6 – The National Party wins the General Elections. The Conservative Party becomes the official opposition, ousting the Progressive Federal Party.
9 – A police officer, three soldiers and a cadre are killed in a skirmish in Mamelodi.
16 – An explosion occurs at Newcastle train station's waiting room and while police are investigating the blast, a second bomb explodes, injuring a police officer.
19 – An explosion occurs at the Carlton Centre in central Johannesburg.
20 – Two bombs explode at the Johannesburg magistrate’s court. The first minor explosion acts as a decoy and is followed by a second more powerful charge minutes later, which kills three police officers and injure four others and six bystanders.


4 – State President of South Africa Pieter Willem Botha visits Sharpeville.
11 – During a police raid in Emdeni, Soweto, police are ambushed and a cadre and a police officer are killed.
12 – Two police officers are found murdered in Witbank.
12 – A Limpet mine explodes at the Athlone Magistrates Court in Johannesburg.
15 – The home of a councillor in Gugulethu comes under grenade attack and four people are injured, two of them special constables.
21 – A police patrol is attacked with grenades and seven police officers are injured.

July - my 11th birthday

6 – Umkhonto we Sizwe ambushes the police in Mdantsane. Two police officers are killed and three injured. A cadre/terrorist is also shot and killed.
6 – A milestone meeting is held in Dakar, Senegal between 52 mainly Afrikaans-speaking intellectuals led by Dr Frederik van Zyl Slabbert and the banned African National Congress led by Thabo Mbeki.
8 – Police crush a cadre and his sister to death in a shack in Motherwell after they were fired on.
8 – A limpet mine explodes at 11h12 in the bar of the Village Main Hotel, Johannesburg.
9 – Mozambique and the Soviet Union reject the findings of the Margo Commission on the air disaster in which Samora Machel, Mozambiqian President, was killed.
12 – During a police raid in Athlone, Johannesburg, a cadre/terrorist is killed and four arrested.
18 – A police officer and his wife are injured in attack on their home in Mamelodi East.
20 – A car bomb explodes outside a block of flats in District Six, Cape Town, with no injuries.
25 – A grenade is thrown at a home in Pimville but harmlessly explodes outside the house.
30 – An anti-tank landmine injures three people on the farm Bodena, owned by Danie Hough.
30 – A car bomb explodes outside the Witwatersrand Command and kills one soldier and injures 68 people.


3 – 23 conscripts publicly announce in Cape Town that they refuse to serve in the SADF.
5 – A cadre/terrorist is killed in shootout with police on Ntshekisa Road in New Brighton, Port Elizabeth.
13 – An Emdeni police Sergeant is injured when a grenade is thrown at his vehicle.
13 – The South African Defence Force launches Operation Moduler.
23 – A shop in Emdeni, frequented by soldiers, is attacked with grenades.
24 – A grenade is thrown at a police vehicle in Emdeni. Two police officers and eight bystanders are injured.
27 – The home of the former Mayor of Soweto, Kunene, is attacked and two council police officers are killed.
30 – A grenade is thrown at five soldiers outside barracks. An estimated eight SADF members are killed or injured.


2 – Police in Sandton kills a terrorist after he threw a grenade at a roadblock.
17 – Religious leaders, including Desmond Tutu, hold talks with the African National Congress in Zambia.
23 – South Africa and Malawi sign an agreement for the training of Malawian nurses in South Africa.
24 – Ten people, including two police officers, are injured in grenade attack on a police patrol in Soweto.
28 – Two bombs explode at the Standard Bank arena in Johannesburg.
The South African Army kills four and captures two terrorists near the Zimbabwe border. After the two cadres are handed over to police, they escape killing two police officers. The army later tracks them down and kills them in a fire-fight.
The Commander of KwaNdebele National Guard Unit in Marble Hall and his son, a police officer, is shot and killed by AK-47 fire.


1 – A bomb placed outside the door of Amichand Rajbansi's NPP office in Lenasia explodes hours after official opening, with no injuries.
28 – Near the Swaziland border a soldier is killed and a terrorist wounded in a skirmish.


5 – Govan Mbeki is released from custody after serving 24 years in the Robben Island prison.
6 – A special constable and two civilians are killed by sniper fire in Khayelitsha.
12 – Two limpet mines explode and a third one is safely detonated by police at the Zola Municipal offices in Soweto.
14 – During a South African Defence Force commemoration march in Cape Town, a limpet mine explodes in a bin, injuring a soldier.
18 – A Limpet mine is found and defused at the Johannesburg post office.
23 – During a police raid on a house in Umlazi, Durban two guerillas and an alleged collaborator are killed. Two police officers are injured in the raid.
28 – South African Airways Flight 295 crashes into the Indian Ocean near Mauritius due to a fire in the cargo hold, killing 159 passengers and crew.
30 – Three explosions occur at the Dube municipal training centre in Soweto, with no injuries.


10 – During a police raid on a shack in the Port Elizabeth area, they meet heavy resistance from the residents. The police drive a Casspir over the shack, killing four.
12 – A group of police officers are fired upon by cadres//terrorists from a moving car in Soweto. Two police officers are killed and four injured.



1 – Nordic countries implement comprehensive sanctions against South Africa and South West Africa which are intended to counteract apartheid.
10 – Six African National Congress cadres are injured in a car bomb explosion in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
25 – Cadres wound a policeman when they open fire at a police roadblock set up at Ugie.
25 – A Limpet mine explodes at the Kokstad Men's Club opposite the police station.
27 – Cadres open fire on a police vehicle in Soweto and injure three policemen and a civilian.


1 – Three cadres are killed and one injured at a police roadblock in Transkei.
2 – A cadre is killed in a skirmish with police near Mount Fletcher.
3 – The Congress of South African Trade Unions offices in Pietermaritzburg come unter attack by a mob armed with pangas and Assegais.
6 – A policeman is killed in an attack at East London.
10 – Rocky Malebane-Metsing leads a group of dissatisfied members of the Bophuthatswana Defence Force and the National Executive Committee of the People's Progressive Party to stage a coup d'état in Bophuthatswana.
12 – Two municipal policemen guarding an installation are injured when they are attacked by cadres.
12 – A cadre opens fire on a car driven by an ex-Rhodesian soldier, now a private security firm official, in Johannesburg.
14 – The South African Defence Force launches Operation Hooper.
Twelve people are injured in a bomb blast at Wits Medical Command administration building in Braamfontein, Johannesburg.


1 – An explosion in Benoni causes extensive damage to a bus transporting South African Air Force personnel.
7 – A cadre and a civilian are killed by police during a raid in Queenstown, and six policemen are wounded in the raid.
8 – An attack by cadres on the Phiri Hall police mess kills one policeman and wounds 10 others.
12 – A church-led opposition group headed by Desmond Tutu is banned.
14 – A bomb explodes at Johannesburg City Hall, with no injuries.
17 – Mohammed Ichbahl and Aboobaker Ismail set up two bombs at the Krugersdorp magistrate’s court adjacent to the local police station. One explodes and kills two South African Defence Force personnel and a civilian while twenty other people are injured.
18 – Insurgents attack a tavern in Atteridgeville frequented by policemen. Three policemen are killed in the attack.
25 – Three cadres are killed by the South African Army at Batavia in the far northern Transvaal.
27 – The Antheas Club in Pietersburg is slightly damaged by a limpet mine which explodes in the back garden.
28 – Four cadres are killed and one injured by the South African Army on an island on the Mutale river.
An electrical sub-station in Fort Jackson is damaged when three limpet mines explode.


4 – The South African Special Forces Brigade raids an African National Congress insurgent hideout in Gaborone, Botswana, killing four ANC cadres.
7 – A car bomb explodes in Maputo, Mozambique, injuring Albie Sachs, an anti-apartheid lawyer.
9 – A limpet mine explodes near the Atteridgeville Development Board's canteen.
12 – In a Mpumalanga township, police corner a cadre who then kills himself and two policemen with a grenade. Police later kill a second cadre and a policeman is killed and three civilians wounded in the crossfire.
15 – A limpet mine explodes at the Atteridgeville Municipal offices.
15 – A bomb explodes prematurely outside Pretoria's Sterland cinema, killing the terrorist and injuring a bystander. According to the African National Congress the intended target was a nearby government building. There are no government buildings nearby.
19 – An explosion at a private office block less than 100 m from Parliament damages a branch of Santam bank.
22 – A cadre ambushes a municipal police vehicle in Soweto and wounds four policemen and one civilian.
25 – Police Sergeant J.M. Mazibuku is killed by cadres at a bus stop in Newcastle.
A bomb explodes at the Johannesburg City Hall, with no injuries.


1 – A special guard unit vehicle is attacked in Cape Town, with no injuries.
3–6 – An ILO Tripartite Conference on Action Against Apartheid is held in Harare, Zimbabwe.
4 – A limpet mine explodes against a wall of the Kagiso Police single quarters.
4 – Representatives of South Africa, United States of America, Angola and Cuba meet in London to search for a solution to the Angolan war and independence for Namibia.
10 – A child is killed when insurgents throw a grenade at a policeman's home in Mamelodi.
14 – A cadre is killed when police raids his home in Newcastle.
24 – At the Germiston railway station, an insurgent opens fire on policemen and is killed when the police returns fire. Three civilians are injured in the crossfire.
25 – Two people are killed and 38 injured when a Sofasonke Party rally in Soweto comes under a grenade attack. The African National Congress denies knowledge and blames "armed political renegades".
26 – A limpet mine detonates outside African Eagle Building in Pretoria during lunch hour, injuring four people from the Ruth Arndt Early Learning Centre.
28 – A device explodes at the bottom of a platform staircase at the Johannesburg railway station and injures one person.


3 – An explosion occurs at the South African Irish Regiment HQ in Anderson Street, Johannesburg.
3 – A bomb explodes during lunch hour outside Standard Bank in Roodepoort, killing four and injuring eighteen civilians.
5 – A bomb is detonated while a train is standing at Saulsville railway station.
20 – A Ciskei policeman, Warrant Officer Swelindawo, is injured in an explosion at his home in Mdantsane.
22 – Ten civilians are killed when a limpet mine explodes at an amusement arcade in Winning Side Arcade in Johannesburg.
26 – A limpet mine is discovered and defused at Papagallo Restaurant in East London.
27 – Cuban MiG-23 Flogger jet fighters attack the Calueque Water Scheme and twelve South African soldiers are killed by a direct hit by a bomb. During the raid, a SADF 20mm Ystervark AAA system shoots down one MiG-23 Flogger and the Cuban/FAPLA pilot is killed.
29 – A bomb kills two South African Defence Force members, two Prisons personnel and 13 civilians when it explodes at a cafe in Poynton building.
A bomb explodes near Soweto's Inhlanzani station, with no injuries.
A mini-limpet mine explodes at a Pretoria snack bar, injuring 18 civilians.

July - my 12 birthday

2 – A car bomb, set by Harold Matshididi and Billy Agie Shoke, explodes near the gate of Ellis Park stadium in Johannesburg, killing two civilians and injuring thirty-seven.[1]
5 – A cadre is killed by police in a raid in Gugulethu.
7 – Trevor Manuel, Ebrahim Rasool, Mountrain Qumbela, Hilda Ndude and Mzonke Jacobsis are released from detention.
12 – A Land mine incident occurs – no details available.
14 – The South African Army tracks and kills four insurgents in the Kruger National Park following the 12 July landmine incident.
14 – Violence erupts between the Inkatha Freedom Party and the African National Congress in Richmond.
16 – A cadre opens fire at a police vehicle in Nyanga, killing an innocent bystander. Police return fire and the cadre is wounded.
17 – An insurgent opens fire on a police vehicle from the back of a pickup while travelling on the highway near Soweto. Two policemen are injured.
20 – A major battle between the South African Defence Force and Cuban forces begins near Calueque in Angola.
22 – A grenade is thrown at the home of B.E. Qakisa, the Soweto Council personnel manager.
23 – A cadre is wounded by police in Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal.
26 – Three grenade attacks are carried out on the homes of Administration Board employees P. Legare, Naledi and Gumede in Soweto.
29 – One person is injured when a limpet mine explodes at a Bus stop on the corner of Victoria and Odendaal Streets in Germiston.
30 – One person is killed and 57 injured when a limpet mine, planted by ANC terrorists, explodes at lunch time at a Wimpy restaurant in Benoni.
Bulelani Ngcuka is detained for organising a Nelson Mandela birthday celebration.
An explosion outside the home of a member of the Presidents Council, Dr Ismail Jajbhay, in Lenasia results in no injuries.


3 – A car bomb explodes outside Witwatersrand Command, Johannesburg, with no injuries.
3 – Five cadres are killed in two incidents in the Bridgewater area.
4 – A cadre is killed and one escapes in a police raid near the Wild Coast Sun hotel in Transkei.
5 – A limpet mine is discovered and safely detonated at the Morula Sun Casino.
13 – An explosion at the Hyde Park Shopping Centre, Johannesburg, injures three people.
19 – A mini-limpet mine explodes within the Castle grounds in Cape Town.
20 – A grenade is thrown at the home of mayor Eddie Makeba in Duncan Village.
23 – An explosion at lunch hour injures 23 people at the Wimpy restaurant on Oxford Street, East London.
24 – A limpet mine is discovered outside the Wimpy in Standerton and safely detonated.
A mini-limpet mine explodes at the Westville Post Office near Durban.


2 – Limpet mines are discovered and defused at the Standerton post office.
2 – Two people are injured when a limpet mine explodes at 17h30 outside a shop on the corner of Smith and Fenton Streets in Durban.
3 – A cadre is killed and four policemen are injured in Molweni, Durban.
7 – An explosion in the basement of North Park Plaza Shopping Centre kills one person.
8 – A grenade is thrown into the home of a couple who did not join a strike, Mr and Mrs Modiko, and injures a child.
10 – An explosion occurs at the Moroka Police Station barracks.
10 – A mini-limpet explodes under a basin next to a back door of a Lenasia HOD candidate, Mrs Ebrahim.
19 – A car bomb explodes outside flats in Benoni, 100 m from the Police station, and two civilians are injured.
21 – An explosion after 17h00 injures 14 people at the Vanderbijlpark bus terminal.
22 – An explosion at the home of municipal election candidate S.D. Goolam injures four policemen, two guards and a civilian.
Trevor Manuel is detained for the third time, only to be released in 1989.
A bomb explodes at the Laudium home of a Pretoria municipal election candidate.
Three limpet mines explode in Lenasia at the offices of the Lenasia bus service, at the home of the Lenasia Management Committee and the offices of the House of Delegates.
A bomb explodes at the King Williams Town Magistrates Court.
A mini-limpet mine explodes at the Woodstock Police Station.
A child is injured when the home of a municipal policeman is attacked in Soweto.
A bomb explodes at a discotheque in Hillbrow, injuring 19 civilians.
A limpet mine explosion at Vinderbijl Square bus terminus in Johannesburg injures 19 civilians.
A hand grenade is thrown from a moving car at the home of Allan Hendrickse, leader of the Labour Party.
A bomb under a car in a parking lot of an East London hotel explodes after the area is cleared.


A bomb explodes at the Redhill Post Office in Durban, with no injuries.
A bomb damages the campaign HQ of a Wentworth municipal candidate in Durban.
A municipal councillor and assistant escape injury when hand grenades are thrown at them in Thokoza.
An explosion at KwaThema civic centre, which is used as polling station in municipal elections, kills a baby and injures four people.
Explosions occur at three magistrates courts, Wynberg (Johannesburg), Bishop Lavis, and Stellenbosch, with no injuries reported at all three.
A bomb causes damage to Woodstock Police Station.
Four policemen are injured when a limpet mine explodes at Tembisa police barracks.
A limpet mine which explodes near the Alexandra Municipal Police offices in Johannesburg causes extensive damage.
The homes of municipal candidates in Wattville and Thokoza are attacked with hand grenades.
A mini-limpet mine explodes at the Katlehong Municipal Police barracks.
A bomb explodes in a building housing the Police Security Branch in Potchefstroom.
A limpet mine explodes at a Sandton sub-station belonging to Eskom.
A mini-limpet mine damages offices in Deepmeadow.
A limpet mine explodes at a central Johannesburg bus terminus, injuring four people.
A car bomb explosion outside a Witbank shopping centre kills two civilians and injures 42.


15 – "Wit Wolf" Barend Strydom kills eight black passers-by around Strijdom Square in Pretoria.
A limpet mine explodes at the Port Elizabeth Post Office.
An explosion at Lenasia civic centre causes no injuries.
An explosion damages a section of railway line on the outskirts of Durban.


12 (about) – Pik Botha, Foreign Minister, and Magnus Malan, Defence Minister, sign a peace protocol with Denis Sassou-Nguesso, President of the Republic of the Congo, and with Angolan and Cuban signatories in Brazzaville. The protocol ends South Africa's 73-year-old administration of South West Africa.
22 – South Africa, Angola and Cuba sign a tripartite agreement at UN headquarters in New York requiring the withdrawal of Cuban forces from Angola and the granting of independence to Namibia by South Africa.
A limpet mine explodes at the Receiver of Revenue offices in Boksburg.
A limpet mine explodes at the Department of Home Affairs offices in Brakpan.
Bombs explode at the magistrates court in Paarl.
Two explosions in Bisho result in damage to a garage and shop.



8 – The African National Congress announces that it will start dismantling its guerrilla camps in Angola in support of the peace process.
18 – State President of South Africa P.W. Botha has a mild stroke.
19 – Chris Heunis, Minister of Constitutional Development and Planning, is appointed Acting State President.
An Eskom sub-station in Glenwood, Durban is damaged by an explosion and police later defuses a second bomb found nearby.
An explosion occurs at the home in Benoni of the chair of the Ministers Council in the House of Delegates.
An explosion occurs at an aircraft factory in Ciskei.
Two municipal police members are killed in a grenade attack on Katlehong's Municipal Police Station.


2 – An ailing State President Pieter Willem Botha steps down from the leadership of the National Party, but remains state president.
Trevor Manuel is released from detention under stringent restriction orders.
An explosion at a municipal police barracks in Soweto injures four policemen.
An explosion next to a police parade in Katlehong kills a municipal constable and injures nine others.
A limpet mine explodes at the home of the commander of the Katlehong Police Station, Col. D. Dlamini.


15–21 – A conference of African National Congress chief representatives and regional treasurers takes place in Gran, Norway.
An explosion occurs outside the Natal Command HQ on Durban's beachfront.


5 – Three South African Embassy staff are ordered to leave Britain within 7 days because of the attempted smuggling of a Blowpipe missile.
17 – Tumelo Faith Sindane is born at Zebediela.
The South African Air Force's Klippan Radar Station in the Western Transvaal comes under mortar attack.


Four bystanders are injured when a limpet mine explodes under a police vehicle in Duduza.
A limpet mine explodes under a vehicle parked outside a policeman's home in Tsakane.
A grenade is thrown at a police patrol in Tsakane.
A limpet mine explodes in a rubbish bin outside the home of a policeman in Soweto.
A bomb shatters the windows of KwaThema Police station's dining hall.
A limpet mine explodes at the Police single quarters in Ratanda.
A limpet mine explodes at the home of Boetie Abramjee, a National Party MP.

July - my 13th birthday

5 – PW Botha, State President of South Africa, and Nelson Mandela, in prison at the time, meet for the first time.
23 – A explosive device planted at Athlone Magistrate's Court and police complex, detonated prematurely killing two African National Congress members [1]


10 – The Cabinet prevails on P.W. Botha to resign as state president and FW de Klerk becomes acting State President of South Africa.
A grenade is thrown into a Labour Party polling station in Bishop Lavis.
The Brixton Flying Squad HQ is attacked with hand grenades and AK-47s.
Lt-Col. Frank Zwane, a former liaison officer for the police, and his two sons are injured in a grenade attack in Soweto.
An explosion occurs at the Athlone Police Station.


2 – "Purple Rain Protest" rioters in Greenmarket Square, Cape Town are sprayed with a purple dye. The resulting graffiti, "The purple shall govern" graces the pages of newspapers worldwide.
20 – Acting state president FW de Klerk becomes the 9th State President of South Africa.

This section may be confusing or unclear to readers. In particular, Cadre is an ambiguous word which is unclear in this context. (January 2015) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)

A police patrol is ambushed by cadres in Katlehong.
A mini-limpet mine explodes outside the Mamelodi Police station.
Parliamentary elections are held and the National Party wins again.
100,000 people attend a peace march called by Cape Town city mayor Gordon Oliver in conjunction with religious leaders.


A bomb explodes outside the BP centre in Cape Town and at Woodstock minutes later.


27 – The Hex River Tunnels system is officially opened. The system's longest tunnel is 13.5 kilometres (8.4 miles) long, the longest railway tunnel in Africa.[2][3]

1990 - By now I had tears in my eyes. Could not believe what was shielded from us as children. Good thing I guess


2 – In his speech at the opening of Parliament, State President F.W. de Klerk announces the beginning of the negotiated transition to end apartheid. The speech announces the unbanning of the African National Congress, Pan Africanist Congress and the Communist Party, the release of Nelson Mandela and other political prisoners, and the end of the state of emergency.
3 – Rainbow People's March, a small group of demonstrators, express support for the new South Africa by dancing down Adderley Street with a painting by artist Beezy Bailey.
11 – Nelson Mandela is released from prison after serving 27 years.


4 – Brigadier Oupa Gqozo of the Ciskei Defence Force leads a coup in Ciskei.
12 – African National Congress president Oliver Tambo and vice-president Nelson Mandela meet for the first time in 28 years in Sweden.
21 – Namibia gains independence with the United Nations supervising the withdrawal of South African forces and the first elections.
26 – The Minister of Education, Piet Claase, announces that as of January 1991, the segregation of Whites and Blacks in state-run schools will end.
26 – Eleven people are killed and more than 300 injured when police open fire on protesters in Sebokeng.


1 – The South African Transport Services is transformed into Transnet and the South African Rail Commuter Corporation.
16 – Nelson Mandela thanks the world in the Wembley Stadium, London, for support during his imprisonment.
25 – Dirk Coetzee, former South African Police Commander of the Vlakplaas counter-insurgency unit, testifies at the Harms commission.
28 – Michael Lapsley, an Anglican priest and social activist, loses both his hands and an eye when a letter bomb explodes in his hands.


2–4 – The Groote Schuur Minute is signed after talks between the South African government and the African National Congress in Groote Schuur, Cape Town.
6 – Pieter Willem Botha resigns from the National Party in protest against the State President of South Africa Frederik Willem de Klerk's reform proposals.


4 – Nelson Mandela starts a thirteen-nation international tour.
5 – Colonel Gabriel Ramushwana, Chairman of the Venda Council for National Unity, announces the lifting of the state of emergency and the unconditional release of all political prisoners in Venda.
7 – President FW de Klerk lifts the state of emergency in South Africa that has been in place for ten years.

July - my 14th birthday

14 – Inkatha Freedom Party is formed when it is transformed from the Inkatha National Cultural Liberation Movement into the IFP


1 – The African National Congress's armed wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe, suspends its armed actions after 29 years.
6 – The Pretoria Minute is signed after talks between the South African government and the African National Congress in Pretoria.


11 – Seven political prisoners are released.
23–25 – Frederik Willem de Klerk, State President of South Africa, visits Washington on a state visit.
27 – Fourteen political prisoners are released


15 – The Reservation of Separate Amenities Act is repealed, ending racial segregation of public facilities.
19 – The National Party opens its membership to all races.


4 – South Africa announces that Harry Schwarz, a prominent anti-apartheid campaigner in Parliament, will be its next ambassador to the United States. He is the first serving politician from the opposition ranks to be appointed to a senior ambassadorial post in South African history.


14–16 – The African National Congress holds a national consultative conference in Johannesburg.
George Bizos becomes a member of the African National Congress's Legal and Constitutional Committee.

Truth about South Africa
