200 PROOFS YOUR REALITY IS FAKE AS FUCK.... (work in progress)

in #antimedia7 years ago (edited)

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Never has the The Green Screen separating MEDIATED from POST-MEDIATED been so visible and blatantly obvious. It flagrantly flaunts its fakery before the bedazzled faces of the distracted, terrified, and divided masses, apparently unconcerned about the possibility of discovery.

And why shouldn’t they be confident so long as all would-be dissenters remain immersed in the fakery. And what do I mean by fakery? Propaganda. Myths. Lies. But not just any old media malfeasance. I”m talking about something much bigger.

What I am describing here is the secret government that ALL the paranoid conspiracy theorists and researchers warned you about. The One World Order is a theocracy. There is no separation of Church and State and the One World Order, sorry to say, is your secret government and its single, unifying religion has already been instituted. That’s the bad news.

The good news is, it was already here before you were born. It’s really quite simple to grasp:

Forget what you were told and go with what you CAN know, not with what you think you know. Some of what we have been told to accept as knowable simply isn’t so.

The Priesthood of the one world religion, known today as Heliocentrism but masquerading as secular humanism, makes bold an incredible claims in the name of its “god”, which it calls “gravity”. The doctrines of the religion are to be found in the corrupted sciences such as the eschatological claims of the environmentalists.

And like priests in general, their solutions to the world’s ills come at a price. Today, the wage of sin is increased governmental regulation and higher taxes, only today sin is called “pollution”, and it is your carbon footprint, not your dirty soul, which you must atone for.
Like the terrifying threats of hell, possessing demons, and eternal torment, the “modern” threat of global warming, overpopulation, worldwide aids, terrorist attacks, and school shootings are all just superitions.

Scary stories used in a protracted psychological warfare operation waged against all those born under the influence of this One World Religion.

The Mediated reality is filled with superstitions, miracles, oracles, doomsayers, and high priests who occupy the heavens along side the ever watchful satellites. They have created a SIMULATED reality for the masses. It’s a FAITH BASED reality, not a KNOWLEDGE BASED reality.

Until you can be honest enough with yourself to admit that you don’t really know to be true a lot of what you accepted to be true. For example, if you think you know that there is a Tesla Roadster flying to Mars, I would argue that your knowledge is far from close to first hand, one, and two, your basis for believing it stems for your trust of the sources of the information.

That basis is not good enough for me to believe there is a flying car on the way to Mars. Not even close. But even if I trusted the Mediated Reality and the government that controls it, I wouldn’t be so confident to say that I KNOW the car is out there. To be intellectually honest, I would have to admit that at best, I have a belief.

There is nothing wrong with a belief, per se. It’s like a theory. The problem arises when that belief or theory is not treated falsifiable. When belief or theories are “settled” and admit no new information, it enter the realm of DOGMA.

The scientific method in all the sciences has been distorted by dogmatic Scientism, in which a scientific consensus trump observed reality.

Truth in journalism and reporting has been replaced by advocacy journalism at best, propaganda at worst.

And here is the big secret: The Government and Media are one. The Media is State Church.


Any disagreement with the controlled media’s narrative is called “conspiracy theory” or “hate speech.” Which is fundamentally no different than saying “blasphemy” or “taboo.”

The Green Screen separating REAL from FAKE is held up by Stoneman and Starman

If you can't see through both of these hoaxed events, then you are on the side of the MEDIATED
SURREALITY the Priests have created for you. If you’re happy there it’s only because you are blissfully unaware that fear, hatred, bigotry, paranoia, and ignorance purposefully introduced to you and your family is not needed. The nice thing about living in truth is that there’s no need to give a fuck about a whole lot of thing you never gave a fuck about anyway, not because you’re a bad person, but because you’re a good person and didn’t fall for the guilt trip.

Good people don’t need to atone for not being self-sacrificing, self-loathing, pathologically altruistic collectivists. Good people naturally think and let think, and that’s all I ask of others: if you want to believe in Santa, go ahead. Just don’t expect me to participate in hyper-realistic Santa Claus drills to impose the belief on the children as they do with the school shooter drills.

Without further delay, here are 200 proofs your reality is fake as fuck:


(in no particular order)

  1. Florida High School Shooting
  2. Sandy Hook School Shooting
  3. Texas Sutherland Springs Church Shooting
  4. Las Vegas Concert Shooting
  5. Boston Marathon Bombing
  6. Orlando Pulse Nightclub Shooting
  7. Charleston Church Shooting knowin
  8. Manchester Concert Bombing
  9. Times Square Car Attack
  10. Waco Twin Peaks Biker Shooting
  11. Alpine Texas School Shooting
  12. Charlie Hebdo Shooting
  13. Oslo Bombing and Shooting
  14. Aurora Colorado Theatre Shooting
  15. Virginia Live News Crew Shooting
  16. Nice France Truck Attack
  17. Istanbul Airport Bombing and Shooting
  18. Paris France Mass Shooting
  19. Ft. Lauderdale Airport Shooting
  20. Melbourne Australia Car Attack
  21. Lockhart Balloon Crash
  22. Atlanta Olympic Bombing
  23. San Antonio Rolling Oaks Mall Shooting
  24. San Bernardino School Shooting
  25. Cascade Mall Shooting
  26. Berlin Truck Attack
  27. San Diego Pool Shooting
  28. U.K. Parliament Attack
  29. Dallas Police Shooting
  30. Israeli Truck Attack
  31. Chattanooga Bus Crash
  32. Barcelona Van Attack
  33. Los Angeles LAX Airport Shooting
  34. OJ chase
  35. Global Warming
  36. Challenger Explosion
  37. Photos of Globe Earth
  38. Occupy Wall Street
  39. March for our lives
  40. David Hogg
  41. Elon Musk's intellect
  42. Robbie Parker's Grief
  43. Asteroids
  44. Live Selene Lunar Orbiter Footage
  45. Starman
  46. BLM
  47. Tupacs Fake Death
  48. Charles Manson Tate Biana Murders FAKE
  49. Milli Vanilli FAF
  50. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were firebombed
  51. APOLLO 11 landings
  52. FAKE MOON ROCKS buzz to Australian
  53. Joe Biggs's wounded cousin the hospital from Vegas Shooting
  54. Fake Truck Attacks
  55. Fake School Shooting statistics presented by Jim Acosta and other Crisis News Network Gover Fear Pornographers
  56. Hogg's dad was in charge of LAX FBI during hoax where obvious dummies were wheelchaired around by dorks in Fireman costumes
  58. Oklahoma City
  59. KENT STATE = fake
  60. OBL
  61. School Shootings Statistics are fake, they use fake shootings to inflate crime statistics ....
  62. Media Body Counts... NEWS has to be falsifiable
  63. Low Earth Orbit.
  64. Stellar Parallax
  65. Orbiting Satellites are fake..
  66. No Orbit, because there's no Orb
  67. Charlottesville VA car attack was fake
  68. Dorner was Fake
  69. Reptilians are Fake
  70. Alien Abductions are Fake
  71. Alien invasion scenarios are dumb and fake
  72. ZIMMERMAN / Trayvon = project
  73. Trayvon 911 call... modified to be more salasicus for a media looking for white devil ...white devil hunting ....
  74. "WHITE HISPANIC" , Zimmerman's White devils creds....B/W race war narrative
  76. SOPHIA is fake
  77. John Lennon death = fake
  78. Bruce Lee's Death
  79. Patty Hearst kidnapping fake
  80. Lindbergh flight = fake
  81. RFK shooting = fake
  82. JFK Junior plane crash . = fake
  83. Lemmings off cliff --- Cliche invented Walt Disney
  84. Frogs boiling slowly...-- Fake
  85. Salem Witch trials
  86. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  87. Piltdown hoax   Bone fragments presented as fossilised remains of a previously unknown early human in the UK.
  88. John Hinckley, Jr. / Reagan shooting HOAX
  89. Monica Lewinsky / Clinton hoax
  90. Tim McVeigh Execution HOAX
  91. Climate Change Denialism FAKE
  92. Pyramids on Mars -- faked with the intention of running people in circles
  93. Diary of Anne Frank propaganda
  94. Books deflecting , AR 15 rounds
  95. Milgram experiment-- Famous experiment where people received everytime heavier electric shocks at Yale University.
  96. john Hinckley, Jr. / Reagan shooting HOAX
    Potato famine wasn't a HOAX, but an operation - misdescribed
  97. Monica Lewinsky / Clinton hoax
  98. Hinckley / Reagan was bullshit. His family was on the gun control Brady Bill front.
    99)Fake ANTHRAX scare 2001-2002
    101)Hitler and Mussolini were jewish.(edited)
  100. Official Story of Titanic
  101. Kuwaiti incubator baby bouncing.
  102. Santa claus is fake
  104. That TV reporter chick getting "shot" live on TV
  105. WWF E -fake as fuck
  108. San Ysidro McDonald’s Massacre Crime Scene Footage
  109. Jack Ruby Shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald is FAKE
  110. Alleged Shool Shooting Victim Blocking Bullet With a Book

History and related sciences,
Art and Literature.
Physics, astrophysics, geophysics and everything related...
Education system.
The herd.

Cosmos and particle world. Macro and micro function like a program. All particles are identical. Orbits we observe are perfectly cyclical. This reality is much more virtual than real on so many levels.

Great post! I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Useful post one

infiniteplane thanks for sharing!

So many things out there to be happy for and about.

Always keep staying positive!

Thanks for a nice post! Cheers

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