ANOTHER ECUMENICAL FIRST! - Pope Meets with Leadership of Mormon Church - President says 'It's what we have IN COMMON that's important'

in #antichrist6 years ago

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"Pope Francis on Saturday met with the leadership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the first-such meeting of its kind, on the eve of the dedication of the church's huge new temple in Rome. The Vatican offered no details of Francis' audience with the church president, Russell Nelson, and other leaders ... 'We have much in common', Nelson tweeted afterward. 'The differences in doctrine are real and they're important but they're not nearly as important as the things we have in common."

This pope is certainly one busy man! His ecumenical conquests over recent years have been massive! And that mother of harlots is bringing more and more churches and religions under her wings, ready for the enforcement of the mark of the beast and Satan's final delusion. But notice the SAME MESSAGE that comes from all of these ecumenical meetings - 'what is important is what we have in common.' In other words ... 'do not be concerned about our differences, let us UNITE on what we have in common.' And through this deception, Satan is uniting the churches and religions of the world into that one great big 'soup' called 'BABYLON.'

Just look at this quote from a recent news article, where Adventist leaders in Croatia met with leaders from various churches and religions for this so called 'religious liberty' movement ... "One of the main ways in which the Association works,' explained Adventist Pastor Dragutin Matak, the General Secretary of the Association, 'is to bring together as many people as possible to share universal human values." ... The pope couldn't have said it any better himself! What about bringing the world to the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ, who is THE ONLY WAY to the Father (John 14:6)?? But what is the ultimate goal of this 'religious liberty' movement? To bring about UNITY with Babylon! Please don't be deceived by this movement friends. God is calling - COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE!

"The question may be asked, are we to have no union whatever with the world? The word of the Lord is to be our guide. Any connection with infidels and unbelievers which would identify us with them is forbidden by the word. We are to come out from them and be separate. In no case are we to link ourselves with them in their plans or work. But we are not to live reclusive lives. We are to do worldlings all the good we possibly can. Christ has given us an example of this. When invited to eat with publicans and sinners, He did not refuse; for in no other way than by mingling with them could He reach this class. But on every occasion He gave them talents of words and influence. He opened up themes of conversation which brought things of eternal interest to their minds. And this Teacher enjoins us, 'Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.' On the temperance question take your position without wavering. Be as firm as a rock. Be not partakers of other men's sins. Acts of dishonesty in business deal, with believers or unbelievers, should be reproved; and if they give no evidence of reformation, come out from among them and be separate." (E.White, Fundamentals of Christian Education, p.482)