The SPLC and me

The Southern Poverty Law Centre (SPLC) published a hit piece last Tuesday attacking me, the Daily Caller for which I used to write and the co-founder of the Daily Caller, Fox News presenter Tucker Carlson.

SPLC piece

The target of the piece was Tucker, of course, and the Daily Caller. I was just the pretext they could use to smear the Daily Caller and Tucker as ‘anti-Semites’. They pulled up some memes I shared in 2016 as evidence, which incidentally were the same images used by the far left media outlets in Australia in 2017 to dox me and get my articles pulled from the Spectator Australia.

The SPLC story claimed that a Vox reporter had made the connection after some groundbreaking research, and had shared it on Twitter.


That is not what happened here. A ‘senior politics reporter’ at Vox does not trawl through the op-ed pages of conservative news sites looking for clues. Those days are long gone. She got tipped off by someone here in Australia who was already familiar with the articles on Antifa blog slackbastard and in Overland magazine, and pretended to ‘find’ the information in order to embarrass Carlson. These people aren't journalists exposing the truth to the public. They're lazy hacks.

In order to speculate, however, on how that sequence of information might have occurred, it is important to understand just what the SPLC is and why I have chosen to stand up to these people who can cast the Voldemort-tier curse of ‘anti-Semite’ onto a man and destroy his life overnight.

The Southern Poverty Law Centre is an anti-white hate group who use lawfare to destroy anyone who publicly opposes the tyranny of political correctness in Western countries. They have attacked Lauren Southern (twice), Stefan Molyneux, Alex Jones, Roosh and Mike Cernovich, portraying them as being on the far end of a spectrum which ultimately terminates at Hitler.

The SPLC categories denies, however, that far left paramilitary group Antifa are a hate group. This is despite Antifa putting bikelocks through Trump supporters’ skulls, pepper-spraying old people and burning central Hamburg during protests. Antifa, formed by Jewish communists in the 1920’s, respond to criticism by saying they do these things to prevent another Holocaust.

It was these constant references to Hitler, the Holocaust and fascism which piqued my interest several years ago in understanding where groups like the SPLC came from. Why do we have groups across the West, including in Australia, which portray any form of nationalist or libertarian thought as akin to the Einsatzgruppen on the Eastern Front during World War II lining up Jews near trenches and shooting them? How did we become so fixated on a massacre that ended a human lifetime ago, and why are white people today subjected to excruciating vilification and ostracism if they dare to point out the anti-white agenda in our societies?

In short, where did all this hate for white people come from?

Trying to understand this problem has led me to become a thought criminal. It is not something you are allowed to be honest about without Big Sister screeching you down and calling in the flying monkeys of the far left media to destroy you as an example to others. The more that they vilify dissenters, however, the more young men and women in the West will start to question how and why we’ve been programmed to hate ourselves so much.

The answer to this question about why there is so much hatred against white people these days is not a comfortable one. It is not a pleasant one. But it is vital we face this truth.

The anti-white hate comes from a mentality of victimhood and ethnic supremacy which is indoctrinated into Jewish people from birth. This is not a statement of hatred against Jewish people. I am not, despite what the SPLC says, an ‘anti-Semite’. I feel sorry for Jews who buy into these toxic narratives of persecution and superiority which make them hate and fear the white majority so much. They are enslaved by them.

For those of you who think this is a preposterous idea, I would implore you to look at the evidence. Please show me where I’m wrong. You would make my life so much easier if you could do that. I would be sincerely grateful.

I don’t think you’ll be able to, however. It took me over a year to accept this truth, and since then in my writing, videos and social media activity I have not been trying to arouse hatred of Jewish people. I have been trying to raise awareness among the people of the West about just how much the Jewish left have been trained to hate us.

It is not difficult to find evidence of anti-white hatred from the J-Left, especially since the election of Trump. There are many Jews who are sick of it also. One of my favourite YouTubers is Frame Game Radio, a Jewish New York lawyer who prosecutes the case that J-Left entities like the ADL and SPLC are destroying an America that he loves. His outline of how the J-Left ethnic mafia operates in an interview recently was just about the best exposition you’ll hear on the topic.

These J-Left thugs do not just write defamatory and damaging articles on their targets, either. Across the West, these far left Jewish supremacist groups have used their financial and political power to enact legislation which makes any criticism of them a criminal offense.

This is not a crazy right-wing conspiracy theory. Earlier this month in Germany Ursula Haverbeck, 89, was sentenced to two years in prison for denying that the Holocaust took place. She believes that camps such as Auschwitz were work camps, not death camps.

Last Friday 25 May in London, Alison Chabloz, 53, was convicted of posting ‘grossly offensive’ material online. She had posted three songs which satirised the Holocaust. According to Chabloz, her work is meant to be understood as satire and she came to her views through investigating the topic for herself online. Even if you find Chabloz’s song below repugnant, and many will, ask yourself: Does it deserve a criminal conviction and possible jail time?

Chabloz is due to be sentenced this week. The charges were initially brought privately by the ‘Campaign Against Anti-Semitism’, a Jewish ethnic lobby in the UK. They use the same tactic of lawfare to silence dissenting views as the ADL and the SPLC.

The most egregious example of the J-Left using lawfare and political lobbying to shut down dissenting speech, however, occurred in Australia.

On May 2 2009, Brendon O'Connell attended a small Friends of Palestine protest at a supermarket in Perth. During the protest, Brendon noticed two men filming the protestors. He confronted them, asking why they were filming, and discovered that the young men were Jews from Melbourne sent to record the event. Brendon debated with the men for around a quarter of an hour, during which he stated that their religion is racist. He posted a video of the encounter a few days later.

A few days after he posted the video, seven police with tasers drawn raided his house and arrested him under the new Western Australian racial vilification laws. He was informed he had racially offended one of the men, Stanley Eliot Keyser.

Stanley Eliot Keyser
Stanley Eliot Keyser, from Brendon's original 2009 video.

A few days prior to Brendon’s trial, in August 2010, an enormous Friends of Israel rally was organised by the Perth Jewish community. Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, Israeli Ambassador to Australia Yuvel Rotem and Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith all attended. The event was also supported by 130 State and Federal members of parliament, and the website created for the event admitted openly it was organised to target Brendon.

That’s a lot of political firepower directed at one Aussie prankster for hurting someone’s feelings, and involved a foreign power directly interfering in Australia’s judicial process. Why is it only one group that is afforded such a protected status?

Brendon spent three years in jail. On September 11 2012, he was bashed by a group of inmates in what was clearly an organised attack, leaving him with a broken arm and other internal injuries. After leaving prison, he was harassed with follow-up charges and constant police raids until he fled Australia in 2017. He now lives in Malaysia.

Brendon is not a Nazi, an anti-Semite or even a Holocaust revisionist. He has called people like me ‘white nationalist morons’ (I’m not a white nationalist, Brendon; I’m a civilisationist). He’s just a free-thinking libertarian who came to conclusions about Israel that motivated him to support the Palestinian movement. Regardless of what you think of his views or even his actions, has he been treated equally under the law compared to members of other groups? And if not, why not? Why the double standard?

This topic is one that is very hard to have a sensible discussion about. It seems to drive people mad, on both sides. It’s not going to go away, though, and from what we’ve seen recently of the J-Left’s willingness to use lawfare and political targeting to destroy those who disagree with them, it’s only going to get worse. People do not like being told what they can and can’t think, particularly in the West. I would call on those Jews, as well as non-Jews, who are sick of this ethnocentric intimidation and martyr complex to speak up against it now.

First they came for the Holocaust-denying grandmas…

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