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RE: No, You Are Not An Introvert

in #anthropology7 years ago

No, that's where I wholly disagree with you. My preference for my own company is not predicated on technology. In fact, I use modern tech far less than most. And I'm old enough to remember before computers and mobile phones. And I preferred my own company then too. I recall an occasion in school when we were asked to design our own coat-of-arms and motto. My motto was "Silence is golden." And that was 1981 or 1982. I don't think I knew anyone with a computer or mobile phone (not sure the latter had been invented), and we did not possess a television in my home.
I do accept that for many, your analysis applies. But I have the sort of mind that enjoys quite contemplation. Maybe in the past I'd have been a monk (though I am also of a logical mindset, so maybe not).
Having said that, I love steam engines and railways, so 100 years ago you would probably have found me sitting alongside a railway line somewhere watching the trains. For the time, that was the most modern, exciting tech there was... ;)
Introversion is a character type - always has been, it's there in characters in literature going back hundreds of years or more. Our modern assignation of introversion to a large portion of the population is, I agree, largely a result of technology.
But I, and many like me, would find your insistence that we're just as social an animal as the next troubling. I'm not. I never have been. And you cannot make me be so. To attempt to force me to fit your concept of normal is as unreasonable as the average shrink insisting that I'm autistic and need medication...
Another way of saying all of that is - some people are more social than others. I'm at the less sociable end of the line. What word you choose to describe that is up to you, but introvert will do. Loner is another. Solitary is yet another. Or hermit... I'm sure I can think of more if necessary! These words would not exist if they were not applicable to some people.