What’s happening in Antarctica?

in #antarctica8 years ago

-Are you in, Mr. Ideamaker? - Mr. Jones asked me impatiently.
I hesitated. The offer was very inviting. 10 000 $ for every month of work on secret Antartic base. 6 months.

-Sir , ... ehm Mr.Jones? Could you please open some mission details? 6 month is decent term and what should I say to my family?

-Are you professional in your area, Mr.Ideamaker?
-Yes, but ...
-If you are, you shouldn't ask such a questions.
So, I agreed.

One week after that talk I standed on the berth with only backpack behind.
-Ah, Mr. Ideamaker, nice to see you in time! - tall 50-years old man descended the ship ladder.
We shake hands.
-My name is Jonathan Polarbearden and I'm your mission curator before you get into our base.
-I'm ready, but where's Mr.Jones ? - I asked with curiosity.
-He's not in out project anymore - the answer came...
I decided not to clarify my question.

-First of all, let's talk about details, Mr.Polarbearden - I said confidently.
-Ah, details, details... Curious case! But, you should better take into your ship cabin and maybe you want some lunch?
-I should to know this first - I insisted.
-Well, well - that's your right. - he understood.

You know, Mr.Ideamaker, couple years ago some geological mission in Antarctica was planned. Just boring reasearch: the ice probes, measuring salt in the water...
-Yes, I've heard ...
-Very good. It was planned to be a boring mission indeed. It must to be. But then some surprises came.
First, the science group found a really deep cave.
-The probes there were so unique and it was decided to create a detailed expedition. And then ...
The time in cave seems to be ... ehm .. as a phisicist, could you forgive me, Mr.Ideamaker?
-I'm listening.
-The time seems to be distorted.

Honestly, that sound like a joke - I thought.
-What do you mean under distorted? - I asked with smile.

-It starts when during the first walk of expedition our scientist lost his mobile phone - and when he found it after half an hour - it was completely frozen...

-It's arctic climate, Mr.Polarbearden!

-...yes, but after repaired the calendar application shows two months in future time.

-Don't be so naive, just programming bug after some extreme conditions, you know. Come on! - I was angry. Is that man really invited me on the base to investigate problems with smartphone?

-Oh, Mr.Ideamaker, you don't know the half!
Another member of expedicion was lost during the second walk into cave and found after a month of search.

-Lucky guy! - I replied. He must have survived on 5 jars of canned goods.

-He actually have no food...

-Oh, I'm so sorry. What a loss...

-Wait, Mr.Ideamaker. He's alive and says to us that only hour of time passed since he get lost...

Hope, that you like my improvisation, Steemians :-)

Image source:

  • livejournal.com
  • media-cdn.tripadvisor.com
  • brownandhudson.com