Anime recommendation: Bungo Stray DogssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #anime6 years ago

I've had a fun time writing these so I'd thought I'd do another one!
This time I will be recommending Bungo Stray Dogs.

This is by far one of the best anime I've seen. It has great humour, it sometimes gets really dark, amazing animation and fights. The characters is really where the show shines though, with Osamu Dazai portrayed by Miyano, Mamoru (Light Yagami, Death Note) and Doppo Kunikida played by Yoshimasa Hosoya (Reiner Braun, Attack on Titan) in a hilarious partner duo with a great dynamic. Although neither of them is the protagonist, they are clearly my favourite part of this show!

Kunikuda on the left and Dazai on the right

The story is captivating and the writing is just phenomenal, it can go from dead serious to unbelievably comical in just moments. The delivery from the voice actors is always spot-on and really expressive.
I won't dive into the story in this recommendation; I will just say if you like anime and haven't seen this one then you really should! Enjoy!



En av døtrene mine elsker å tegne Anime, desverre er ho ikke så veldig aktiv på steemit, men jeg jobber med å prøve å engasjere ho mer. Legger ved ert par av hennes tegninger her. Brukeren hennes er @fakturd 18FDF449-B53F-47BB-979B-13290CA9028E.jpeg

Veldig flink! LIker detaljene hennes veldig godt. Oppfordre henne til å tegne hver dag, man kan bare bli bedre :)

This one sounds interesting. I haven't watched much in the Anime genre apart from shows I watched as a kid and somehow didn't realise were anime even though they looked vastly different to the other cartoons - I guess kids just don't think that way. Lastman, a French cartoon I just recently finished, is described as "anime-adjacent" though, whatever that means. Bungo stray dogs sounds interesting from your description because it sounds like dramedy (Bojack Horseman, MASH) and I love that genre when it is done well. Done well I like dramedy better than drama or comedy on its own. If not done well, the change between drama and comedy can be jarring and just weird, but when done well that is a really great genre and your description makes it sound like this show is doing the balance between humour and seriousness quite well as well. It sounds like it could be quite a good show. I enjoy shows that do the mix of humour and seriousness / comedy and drama well.

This one made my top 3 list instantly. Comparing it to BoJack is a very good comparison too, it has those dark moments and those moments that makes you smile. Only in this one, without giving too much away, you get some epic fights between strong and amazing characters!

Sounds cool.

It is too bad that the main char is the "worst" with all those funny secondary characters!

Maid-chan thinks he should have better stayed far away from them :P

I think they made the main character such a "blankface" to make him more relatable, to make it easier to put yourself in his shoes. Kinda like Link form The Legend of Zelda series.
Luckily it doesn't focus too much on him, especially in the "back in the days"-part, if you know what I mean?

Oh, and if you don't know, Dazai etc. are all famous authors!

I actually learned that whilst writing this recommendation, haha.
Googled their names to get them right and I found authors. That is a really cool detail from the creators part!