Anime | 10 Swordsman who is Onepiece version of my film | Part 4
hi all, come back with me @hzmhunter who will again give the actor the onepiece movie about 10 swordsman swordsman in the movie, i just prove it,

Vista is a fairly tall man (about as tall as Jinbei), with a large muscular body, wide chest and dark complexion. He had black curly hair and kept a long mustache. He wore a blue hat with a dark blue collared white shirt that was left open at the chest, a pair of white gloves, light blue pants and boots and wore a deep dark blue robe purple on the inside. He also brought a pair of swords with each of his red sarongs tied to the belt on the back.
Like all the Whitebeard Pirates commander, he seems very loyal to Whitebeard. His wish is simple enough. Vista expressed his desire to fight Dracule Mihawk and be happy to have the opportunity to cross the sword with the Shichibukai. He also showed great hatred for Kurohige as he mocked Whitebeard's inability to save his crew.
Rose Rondo (薔薇 輪 舞 (ロ ー ズ · ロ ン ド) Rōzu Rondo?): Literally meaning "Round of the Ros Flower". In the anime, Vista jumps back while swinging his sword, launching some red rose petals that fly towards the opponent. The effect of rose petals is still unknown because Mihawk successfully blocked the attack.
- One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 57 Chapter 552 and Episode 461, Vista is seen next to Marco.
- One Piece Blue Deep: Character of the World (page 142), Birthday is revealed.
- One Piece Anime - Episodes 470 and 487, Vista uses the only anime technique, Rose Rondo, against his enemies.
- One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 59 Chapter 574 and Episode 483, Akainu confirms that Vista is a Haki user.
- One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 0 Chapter 0 and Episode 0, Vista was seen 22 years ago on top of Moby Dick.
- One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 57 Chapter 554 and Episode 463, Vista and other pirates seen against Ronse.
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