in #anime7 years ago

maxresdefault1.jpgThis review is covering episode 823 of One Piece and of course will contain some spoilers. One Piece episode 823 is not a bad episode but it seems like it was stretched along just to fill up that 23-minute timeslot. It starts off with Bobbin the Dispenser with a whooping 105 million and 500 thousand berrie in a hole in the wall after he tried robbing Sanji for that juicy piece of chicken which Sanji has resolved that NO ONE shall eat that meat unless you’re Luffy. Yes, a single juicy piece of chicken, you could even say it ONE PIECE of juicy chicken. Sorry for that anyways yeah Bobbin is frustrated of Sanji’s betrayal of not wanting to attend the Tea Party, so his new resolve is to now chase after Sanji basically this scene didn’t really feel important in anyway and just seems like it was there to just take up space. I guess the only significant scene in this is when his crew tried to help him out, but Bobbin decided he’d bring back Sanji on his own crew with an unknown devil fruit power, but that is the only thing I think could be important in all of this. Next, we transition to Chopper and the gang made up of your boy Chopper a.k.a ChoBro, Boss Jimbei, Cat Burglar Nami, The Bunny Carrot, Pedro, and Bruelee and that train dude no one really cares about because he’s a train. Anyways they’re on a mission to try and find the rest of the straw hat crew and ask the mirror if they have seen any of the missing members and after minutes of asking a mirror finds Brook. Now when the mirror says they see Brook and they start making their way towards Brook they start to see a huge mirror pop up and through that mirror they see the Skeleton Brook but what’s that oh right he’s sleeping on a gigantic bed wrapped in the paw of a large woman. Wait who is this large woman you may ask and if you can’t piece together context clues and the last three episodes but yes, it’s Big Mom whose palm he is in. As Big Mom sleeps with Brook in hand with Napoleon, Zeus, and Prometheus sleeping all next to their lovely lady.
Now Chopper and the gang are trying to come up with a plan of sneaking out Brook and get him through the mirror back to them then Big Mom wakes up. Now there’s this funny scene where Big Mom starts to wake up and just stares directly at the mirror and freezes the crew in fear and after a minute of awkward eye contact Big Mom turn out to be starring at a fly the whole time yes, a pesky fly the entire time and dozes off back to sleep. The fly doesn’t seem important yet until the fly goes a little too close to Big Mom and she swiftly, while asleep, punches the ground and creates a huge crater in the ground making a shockwave that wakes up Napoleon, Zeus, Prometheus, and a frightened Brook who wakes up screaming. Napoleon, Zeus, and Prometheus spot the fly and all start to show off their power and try to destroy it. Now Chopper and they are freaked out by this show of strength and start to come up with a better plan to rescue Brook.One_Piece_823_The_Sleeping_Yonko_Big_Mom_Trapped_Brook_-_You.jpg Jimbei then has an idea and they make a fake Brook and use seaweed as his signature afro,
one piece 823.JPG
but now how are they going to replace the real Brook with the fake? Now after some trail and error and some comedic scenes of first Chopper trying then failing followed by Carrot trying and failing only to lead up to Pedro trying and surprise surprise he failed but this time he was able to knock Brook onto the floor who is still sound asleep. Now we get to Nami who try and sort of succeeds sort of as in she manages to get Brook who wakes up to the face of a fake Brook and screams “GHOST!” in terror waking Big Mom and she’s half-asleep and pissed and thinks it’s the pesky fly and grabs Prometheus and unleashes a name attack onto them only to be saved by Jimbei.
Anyways they recuse Brook and it now cuts over to Luffy trying to run to the rendezvous point with Sanji but gets interrupted by Cabaletta who Luffy is now to weak and exhausted to defeat
then cuts to him getting stomped on and then boom end of episode and now we go to the previews of next episode. The next episode seems to be mostly about Luffy and Sanji both trying to get to each other via the rendezvous point. It shows the fight between Cabaletta vs Luffy and Sanji searching for Luffy and that’s it. So all in all it was an alright episode that provided some comedic relief in this intense arc and does contain the important part of Brook being rescued so I’ll give it a 7/10 but that’s just my opinion comment down below what you think and if you liked my review well then upvote this bad boy if you think other people should bask in its greatness share and if you want to see more post like this don’t forget to follow me and as always stay classy San Diego and the Steemit community.