What is Animal Communication?

in #animals7 years ago (edited)

Me and Pearl

As most of you know I am an animal communicator and I recently wrote about the story of me and my horse Miss Saskia. This story elicited many questions about what animal communication is and this post is what I have learnt about animal communication from the animals themselves.

Animal communication is not a trick and it's not a gift that is possible for a said few. Communicating with animals is part of our DNA - we can all do this. The ability to hone this skill as hunter gatherers would have been very important during times when we were more connected to the natural world. As hunters having a 6th sense about animal mind and indeed being able to coerce an animal to sustain life was imperative. As humans moved through the different cycles of so called evolution certain abilities were used less and thus became what we can term as latent. I do feel that it much more complex than this and would require a complete post on understanding ego development and more on spirituality (perhaps for another post!). Suffice to say that animal communication in my view is equated to the stillness of life. Singularity. The point where one is calm and able to let go of 'knowns', let go of the need to know everything and project what we already know upon the world around us. It gets pretty boring when we do this because we don't leave enough room for ourselves to learn and explore. Indeed, life begins to lose it's colors and everything begins to take a black and white hue. The only thing is that nothing in life is black and white. Nothing.

As you also know from my posts I do like research and science. Mostly I like unconventional science - researching what we don't know in the material world. This of course is much harder to do given the lack of mechanistic methods to test validity. Our science is a material science and has not reached the point where it can begin to test and include the non-material. It is often difficult to marry the intuitive and the scientific but it is possible. Interestingly enough, for science to begin it's process one is nudged by an intuitive understanding or revelation (that intuitive hunch). So in my communications if an animal shows me something that I do not know about I look to see if there is any corroborating research - the animals have taught me a great deal indeed. But I digress....

I define animal communication as the flow of an energy signature between beings. This energy signature is based on the frequency of the animal and the ability to tap into and connect with this is the key. This requires practice. Without the stillness there is no possibility to hold this energy signature and be able to receive information. Information is received in picture form, words or phrases, colors, feelings, smells, sounds tastes - all of the above. The problem people have is that they dismiss these when they are received as nonsensical. But this information is critical to understanding what we receive indeed, it is critical to receiving it in the first place.

Animal communication can be misconstrued for projections. This is a very important point. If we are unable to literally put ourselves aside and to be in a space of receiving without judgement, without projecting upon others then animals communication will not occur. Indeed, the animals themselves will not even engage with you. Have you noticed that animals gravitate to certain individuals and not to others? They have an innate seeing, feeling understanding that that individual is not at the developmental point to understand them on many levels. Animals are always honest. They are always truthful and do not lie. Indeed, they see us clearer than we see ourselves. Animals are always truthful from their perspective and experience of reality. So don't think you can fool an animal companion!

This brings an important point for those of you still skeptical about animal communication - can there be more than one reality? As a hypnotherapist I can attest to the experience of being able to move from one space of reality to another and thus being able to experience different spiritual states. How to explain these in a material way that will be accepted is quite another story. It's like saying to an orange why don't you taste like apple! Perhaps the multi-worlds theory may apply in this case or as Rupert Sheldrake purports morphological fields are all around us and if we are at the right frequency we can tap into these and receive information.

Here are some tips if you want to try to communicate with your animal:

  1. First, ensure you are hydrated.

  2. Get a picture of your animal and look deeply into their eyes.

  3. Be still - being still is the most important and the hardest thing to do because our minds are so busy.

  4. See what you see, smell, taste and feel.

  5. Drop expectations (expectations are like noise the drown out the subtleties of the Soul).

I have a more advanced method but start with this first.

Before we go I want to ask Miss Saskie what she thinks animal communication is.

This is what she has to say:

"Tell them that it is a way of being. Tell them that they should do it more and free their minds from the stuff that humans do. It harms the animals and it harms themselves. Tell them that it is communicating deeply with the inner parts of yourselves. Parts that you have forgotten and that are sitting deep inside you like a well. Tell them that there is too much noise in the world and they cannot hear their true voices. When they can hear their true inner voice they will hear us".

Send me your experiences and animal companion pictures.

The picture that I shared above is of me and Pearl. Pearl is another off the track thoroughbred that was a broodmare for a long time. She had too many babies and is done with this life now. I wish I could adopt her but she is not the right fit for my Saskia. If I had a very large ranch and could separate them or find a fit for Saskie and another for Pearl I would adopt her. This picture was taken shortly after the fires we had in San Diego. I went to check on all the horses on the ranch. Pearl and I have a special bond and she adores me (she pushes all other horses away when they come near and we have our time). She often calls me energetically from her paddock when she sees me. A beautiful being.


Good Morning @whitedolphin. I am a newcomer in steemit from Indonesia. This Is my first a comment from your post. I hopeful your days are a great fun. Do not waste any opportunity, always be happy at ever opportunity. Continue post your photo in steemit.

Please see my post @rief and give upvote if you like, i am very thankful for that. Best regards.

thanks for shearing.

thank you for reading!

I thought I'd send you some pics of my fur friends. unnamed-3.jpg

Oscar came to me starving to death and sat in the yard of the abandoned house behind the one I used to live in. (Hard to believe when you see him now!)
He just sat there, in the tallish grass(hadn't been mowed) looking at me. I told him out loud, "I can't take care of anymore animals!" He wouldn't go away and he barely could walk he was bony and kept away from everyone, but me. I thought, I gotta at least feed this fellow. So I walked over and left him various things to eat. He didn't like anything but milk. They say not to give them milk when they've been starving, but it's all he would consume, not even cream, only milk. He wouldn't let me pet him at first, but he liked to watch me. So everyday, I'd go out there and give him milk. After a few days, he came over to the back porch and would rub on me , but only if I was alone and let me pet him. He was a handsome boy and a good set of fangs and teeth, despite lack of food.
This took many, many months before he was able to switch to some wet food and take down any meat, almost a year! But he made it very clear to me that he wanted me as his person.
Cats really like me. But I had a dog at the time and she had chased him. Once he came to live with us though, my dog gave him a good sniff over and they became very bonded. (Unfortunately, I had to let go of my precious dog, which to this day is incredibly hard for me to accept. I gave her to someone that has offered to take her long before )
My dog I rescued from the neighbor at the time that was neglecting her , that's another story.
But here is the two of them. Dog is Amber and Oscar my cat I still have.

@grasswind thanks for sharing. What beautiful brings! Look at them both! This is not unusual, animals choose us. In one of the posts here on steemit I recount how me and my mare met - it's pretty cool! At least I think so. I am sorry you had to let your dog go. Animals are such wonderful beings of pure heart. I have found that animals know exactly what they need despite what we call "experts" may say. Why wouldn't they? They are even more connected to their bodies and environment than us. We learn more from them than they from us.

Well let me say I love your name @whitedolphin
The dolphin is the animal I align with most, if I had to choose just one.
My name rhymes with it too "Dalton".

I found your posts when searching through #communication. I did not expect to find somebody who communicates with animals. I am thoroughly intrigued. I will most certainly be following you from now on.

I have a post releasing in 2 hours about why eye contact is important during human conversation.

I wonder what your opinion is on this in relation to communication with animals.
I for instance think of the eyes of a goat right away. Some people would find it very hard to look into their eyes, not I though.

Anyways, thanks for being a Steemian. I look forward to your reply.

Hello @daltono thanks for your feedback. Some animals do not like eye contact - it is threatening. It depends on the situation. When I was studying with Gorilla's they would ask me to be respectful by not looking directly at their eyes. Besides telepathy is what they use. At different frequencies. Animals are different frequentially and it's about adjusting the antenna to be able to listen so communication is different. The body is also a resonating bell and the animals read us through it.

I am happy to hear back from you.
That is amazing you have studied so closely with gorillas. I remember as a child, I was at Disney World in Florida. At the Animal Kingdom, there was a gorilla enclosure, I was amazed at such a young age. I saw a huge gorilla drinking water from a waterfall from the palm of his hand. In my head I felt like he wanted us all to stop looking at him. Now I see why, this telepathy you mentioned.

I could probably ask you a million questions. So could my my mother, she is just as much of a fan of animals as I.

Yes, at the zoo where I studied (there was no funding for a trip to the wild unfortunately despite my best efforts) the Gorilla's would turn their backs on the filtering humans because they had had enough of being watched and the noise was so loud. When I visited a Zoo in San Diego the Bonobo's looked stressed and were putting their hands to their ears because the noise was too much for them. I do not go to Zoo's anymore as I cannot bear the messages the animals send me. Most especially from the Orca's and dolphins in captivity.

I am sure you have a lot of questions. I did take questions a few posts ago. I may do this again soon. :)

Entrapment certainly is not the way for animals, I haven’t been to a zoo in well over 10 years myself. Which sadly means I haven’t seen some of my favorite animals in so long.

I’ll be sure to tune in for you next Q&A post. It’ll give me some time to think of good ones.

@daltono me too re visiting zoo's. The great thing about animal communication is you can connect with the animals directly and have a totally different viewpoint from their perspective. A worldview that is not overshadowed by the reductionist human mind. Please do - re questions.

I’m glad I found you on here. I look forward to your future posts.

Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it. 😀