The life of a male chick in the world today. 💔 ⁠⁠ 🎨 Credit #wedontdeservethisplanet

in #animals3 years ago

Man’s inhumanity towards animals is all about g
reed and making a profit…..Absolutely this is horrific and we call ourselves civilised! Really, what sort of mind thinks up to do this kind of thing and then who on earth actually then does that, disgusting. Poor babiesHow is veganism going to stop #animals cruelty? If we stop eating livestock there will be no need for livestock so you think those domesticated pigs, #chickens, cows are going to live happy free range lives? Nope they'll be culled farmers won't waste land for them if they're no longer any use. But it's okay you don't mind entire species been wiped out as long as humans aren't eating them.Go vegan now save the planet in the process #govegan#savetheplanet#StopDeforestation#savetheplanet#climatechange Animal agriculture is one of the Main causes of climate change and deforestation and ocean dead zones and pollution and is cruel to animals and is compeletely unnecesary humans are primates we have hands to pick fruit and nuts and we were never supposted to eat meat at all, we get sick when we eat animal products. #goveganDo not buy eggs from grocery from your local want to support local farmers anyway!!!!Humans are very cruel... Feel nothing for animals... Still we think we are so civil and developed.... Judge the human race according to how animals are treated!!!!Ashamed......It might be a little more believable if it was not such a stupid cartoon to make out like the chick is talking.I wonder why when people put things up like this; and then get very negative reports back, from those of us who live in the real world, they call us trolls. I don't troll any one but I will challenge you with my #freedom of speach. Yes I agree male #chicks are euthanised, I don't think that it done like the cartoon shows, they are in fact gassed in this country, my reasoning behind this is quite simple there are many people who keep# birds of prey, #snakes, and other small mammals that eat meat, including zoo's. Many of which are conservation of species, so while many of you say this should not be done, think about the species that we humans are trying to #save. Many have mentioned the culling of male calves, breeding programmes need to feed those animals and they are carnivores. These we can not turn to Vegetarians or Vegans.So do we want to continue to see big cats, jungle cats in the wild?, because if the answer is yes, then the system that feeds them works, if the answer is no, this planet then becomes a very empty place, time to make up your minds.every life is equally valuable, the root of the problem is that the people do not understand that. natural law is "blood for blood" ... the brain reacts to the blood and creates a predator out of #man.


Pets are family.🐶🐈🐦

Man’s inhumanity towards animals is all about greed and making a profit…..