How can you stop animal cruelty?

in #animals7 years ago (edited)

So your probably asking how can you as the reader stop animal cruelty?


  1. Always buy cruelty-free products.
    Stop animal testing - Major companies that test products on animals
    Cruelty-free cosmetics and household products abound. If you aren’t sure whether or not your favorite brands drip chemicals into rabbits’ eyes, check out PETA’s comprehensive database. There have been a number of advancements in non-animal research methods, so there’s no excuse for sick and twisted experiments on animals. Also, you can order PETA’s cruelty-free shopping guide, which is great to hand out to friends, family, local salons, spas, and hotels.

  2. Educate others.

Don’t leave people in the dark about the horrors of the animal experimentation industry. Knowledge is power, so educate them by sharing PETA’s “Animal Testing in 60 Seconds Flat” video. Brush up on the facts so that if any questions arise, you’ll be the best animal defender you can be.

  1. Help stop cosmetics testing in the United States!
    animal testing rabbit biosearch
    Let decision makers know that you’re against testing on animals and that you support a ban on cosmetics testing on animals. We’ve written the letter for you, so you just need to add your name and click that “Take Action” button. It’s really that easy.Red Take Action Now Button

  2. Always speak up about classroom dissection.
    cute green frog

If someone you know is asked to cut up an animal in a class, encourage him or her to say NO! Humane, more cost-effective, and superior alternatives are available, and schools everywhere are catching on. If an educator gives him or her a hard time, let us help. We’re pretty good at standing up for animals!

  1. Make a donation.
    Lots of charities ask for money and say they’re working on a cure for a disease. However, behind the scenes, that money could be contributing to immense suffering. If you have money to give, make certain you only donate to charities that don’t fund or conduct experiments on animals.

  2. Leave your body to science.
    Speaking of donating, consider leaving your body to science to help scientists, doctors, and medical students advance their research and training without hurting animals. You won’t have any use for it, and wouldn’t it be lovely to know that even after you’re gone, you can still help animals? PETA President Ingrid Newkirk thinks so, and she’s donating her body to help animals as well—although in a much more gruesome fashion.

Monkey Trapped in Laboratory

  1. Share this page.
    Imagine the impact if all your friends and family did everything on this page. By reblogging/reposting this blog on steemit , you’ll have the potential to reach thousands of people and help stop animal testing! Let’s make that dream a reality. So please, for the animals, share this page using the re-blog/repost button

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I think most people will not buy products that is involved in animal cruelty, but people are not aware which products .

Good point @djohan

Great post, I love all animals!

Thank you very much, means a lot

Me too! All animals are beautiful

Please take the time to re post this blog! We need more stuff about animal cruelty to be seen by others!

Please follow for more content like this

That's what I try to do, always. Don't wear fur, don't buy animal tested stuff. But there so few people in my country who share my views:( Here people still think that wearing fur looks "beautiful and expansive", while in fact they look like serial murderers with hands in blood....

If only everyone was like you, the world would be a better place, would you be able to reblog / repost this blog for me please, want to try and get it noticed by others on steemit, not many people have seemit and believe someone like you with a big audience and big following would help me a lot! With your power 1400 of your close followers could see this!

I hope you can help

Please could you repost this blog

I already did

Thank you so much, you have done a good thing and let's hope the whole of steemit can see it

Good post, would you look at mine? I just did it, I leave you a vote

I love animals. I have been a vegetarian all my life. Dogs are my favorite but love them all😊

Good on you 👍 glad to hear someone is doing there part! Please repost/resteem this blog please

It's really very importent to tell people what they can do to proyect animals! Great job! Follow you

Thank you so much means a lot, could you please resteem this blog, want to make the world aware of this issue

Thanks for the info quotesofsuccess, I truly didn't know those brands did animal testing. There are so many alternative brands out there that it shouldn't be difficult to find similar products from other brands that don't do animal testing.

I recommend reading The Monkey Business of Laboratory Animals. Think it will speak to you :)

How to stop animal cruelty? Kill humans, we as are the worst kind of animal. I guess our superior abilities are paralleled by our superior depravities.