Hoy les quiero presentar a mi pequeño heroe, su nombre es Alberto. Tiene 3 años y es mi pequeño héroe.
Today I want to introduce you to my little hero, his name is Albert. He's 3 years old and he's my little hero.
¿Por qué?
Well, this story goes back a year and a half ago. He was playing as usual, jumping and running all around; and at a certain moment his little paw stood between two chairs and when he wanted to run broke his bone in two.

Immediately we went to the vet to see what was possible to do in his situation and said only one thing: we must amputate his limb, is the only solution.

I was the first to refuse, and I decided to take him home. And next to my mother we put an improvised plaster and I had to take care of it that way, loading it, sleeping with it and avoiding that it used its small paw so that it could heal as quickly as possible.

After a while, about 3 weeks was taking its stability and taking small steps (with much fear). Until he managed to walk again, his right leg is slightly deviated but that does not prevent him from playing as he usually did.
¿Tienes mascotas?
Have pets?
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Wellcome, looking forward to your posts :D
que buen articulo de verdad que me ha gustado, soy nuevo escribiendo y me gustaría que vieras mi primer post, tu opinión me ayudaría mucho a mis escrito! saludo