Should I Get a Dog? Honest discussion with yourself.

in #animals7 years ago

maya mica.jpg

  • I need your care & affection everyday. Are you able to provide them to me daily? *

Hello, everyone!

Last year, in this exact day, I was on my way to adopting little Maya, the half-breed Samoyed.
They are also known as Sammy, Samoyed, Sam or just a cute polar bear. :) :) :)

I remember how excited, yet nervous I was, but somehow I managed to keep her safe until this day. :) It wasn't easy and it's still really demanding, but worth it.

However, a lot of people do not take adopting as a serious responsability. Therefore, a lot of dogs end up abandoned.

So, before getting all emotional and hugging one of these puppies, make sure you have an honest conversation with yourself and answer some of these questions:

  1. Do I have the TIME?
    Believe it or not, this furry friend takes up almost 2-3 hrs of my day, everyday - just for walking and making sure she gets exercise.

  2. Do I have the ENERGY?
    Make sure your job is not too demanding and there is enough energy left for the pup. They need a lot of care and you need to stay vigilent all the time, keeping them safe.

  3. Do I have the MONEY to care for another soul?
    Always remember that regular visits to your vet are a MUST. You cannot delay vaccines or treatments, if necessary. Setting holidays and your personal stuff aside, do you afford to support another one? :) Quality food and good vets are expensive.

  4. Am I the RIGHT person to have a dog?
    Not all of us are dog people. And this is fine. You may enjoy their company very much, but this is so different when you actually have to care for them everyday.
    Dogs demand a lot more from their owners than cats, for instance. If you prefer a more settled-down life, maybe a medium-size dog is not for you.

  5. HOW do you plan to integrate your pup into your daily life?
    Be aware of the fact that planning a trip will always include your dog. Whether you are taking him/her with you or not, it's one more task to take care of. maya.png

Before adopting Maya, I had this thought over for about 2 years and somehow, I never felt quite ready enough. But, after seeing some pups, our chemistry was undeniable.

Of course, these are just some basic stuff that came to my mind.
I am not a perfect owner, I had my fair share of mistakes. :)
Hope this was helpful for those of you who do not know whether to adopt or not. Please share your thoughts on this post.
Thank yooou!