Lets face it, I love dogs! I mean, I have two of them. I own 2 Labrador Retrievers which are black and brown. Their names are Missy, the black one and Baldrick, the brown one. I love them as their personalities are so unique! Missy comes across as posh and sensible, but once you get to know her, she is nutty as a fruit loop! On the other hand, Baldrick is just plain crazy, even since the day he was born. He makes weird noises and just wants to let everyone that he is known by knocking things over and breaking them! I wouldn't change any of them for the world. As I believe that I have a special 'connection' with my dogs, I thought I knew very much about them, but obviously not! I am going to be sharing with you some interesting facts about them!
1) Why do Dogs curl up?
I found out that dogs curl up as it is an instinct which is used to keep them warm and protect their organs while they are snoozing away. The position is called the fennec fox pose. I always wondered why my Dogs look like the Mozilla FireFox logo!
2) Putting your personal clothes on your dog?
I never knew that if you leave a piece of clothing on a dog that smells like you, it can comfort the dog by the scent which is let off. This can help them with separation anxiety.
3) Dogs pooping
When dogs poop, the like to do it so that it is aligned with the Earths magnetic field! I also wonder why the spin around to find the perfect spot!
4) Dogs pulling girls!
I might consider taking my dogs with me when I'm looking for a quick hookup! I am three more times likely to grab a girl's phone number!
5) A Dog which is Mayor?
A white Golden Retriever called Duke is mayor of Cormorant in Minnesota! I bet he is a good leader! #godogpower!
So, you do learn something new everyday! If you want to see more great content, be sure to UPVOTE and FOLLOW me so you don't miss it! Follow me here: