IN THE WILD: Get to Know the Endangered Species in the Philippines

Different variety of species are discovered and extinct in the world. What we should be very aware of are the ones that are going to be wiped of without us knowing and without us doing protection for them. Here, in the Philippines, you can find different kind of species that are almost extinct that needs the attention of the individuals residing in the nation. Here are some list of those threatened and endemic wildlife of the Philippines.

Northern Sierra Madre forest monitor
The Northern Sierra Madre forest monitor is a large, arboreal, frugivorouslizard of the genus Varanus. The lizard is a distinctive food of the Aeta and Ilongot indigenous people of the Philippines. The forest monitor lizard can grow to more than 2 m (6.6 ft) in length, but weighs only about 10 kg (22 lb). Northern Sierra Madre forest monitor is one of only three frugivorous lizards in the Varanidae family. The Northern Sierra Madre forest monitor specializes in eating the fruit of Pandan palm trees. They spend most of their time in trees, more than 20 meters above the ground.

Philippine Eagle
The Philippine Eagle is a giant forest raptor endemic to the Philippines. It is considered to be one of the three largest and most powerful eagles in the world. Unfortunately, it is also one of the world’s rarest and certainly among its most critically endangered vertebrate species. It is one meter (3 feet) tall with a wingspan of two meters (7 feet) and the broadest in the world. It is the only blue-eyed bird of prey in the world, with eyes that can see eight times the distance than that of humans and can only be found in the Philippines on the islands of Luzon, Samar, Leyte, and Mindanao.

Rafflesia Philippensis
Rafflesia philippensis is a parasitic plant species of the genus Rafflesia that was named by Blanco in his Flora de Filipinas in 1845. Rafflesia philippensis is known only from a mountain located between the provinces of Laguna and Quezon. Luzon is where it was first discovered. The mature flower bud of R. philippensis has a diameter of around 13-16 centimeters. Its fully opened flower has a diameter of 29.3-32 centimeters. The species is known to occur as a small single population within the vicinity of Mount Banahaw National Park.

Philippine Cockatoo or Red-vented Cockatoo
The endemic Philippine or Red-vented cockatoo is a small psittacine with a helmet crest and red undertail coverts. It is 12.2 inches long and has an 8.6 inches wingspan. The Philippine cockatoo feeds on seeds, and, to an extent, on fruits, flowers, buds and nectar. Lowland, riverine, and mangrove forests but may be found in forest edge and open fields as well as high in the mountains.

Negros Bleeding-Heart Pigeon
Negros bleeding-heart is a species of pigeon endemic to the Philippines where it is found on the islands of Negros and Panay. This peculiarly coloured pigeon is one of five bleeding-heart species, called so because of the large blood-red patch on the breast. The ‘bleeding-heart’ varies slightly in shape and colour among species and the Negros bleeding-heart have a narrower red patch on its white breast than other bleeding-hearts. It has dark chestnut upperparts with a reddish-purple gloss, creamy-buff underparts, and an iridescent green head and neck with a 25 cm (10-in) total length.

Golden-Crowned Flying-Fox Bat
The Giant Golden-Crowned Flying-Fox Bat is a rare species, and one that features very long wings. It is considered to be the largest bat in the world that has a face that looks very similar to that of a fox. The Giant Golden-Crowned Flying-Fox Bat consumes fruits. The only home of the Giant Golden-Crowned Flying-Fox is in the Philippines more specifically in Maitum and Mindanao where they live in deep caves as well as in the rainforests.

Pitcher Plant
A wide variety of pitcher plants exist in the Philippines and they come in different size and color. Pitcher plants belong to a family of plants that are carnivorous and grow up and thrive in natural forests. They have modified leaves called pitfall traps, shaped like a pitcher, which served as prey-trapping mechanism. This pitfall traps features a deep cavity filled with digestive fluid or liquid. Different species of the recorded pitcher plants are found in the Philippines most specifically in Mindanao Island, Palawan and some areas in the Visayas which also have unique features to specific areas or locations.
There are a lot more species that are almost extinct in the Philippines but I only sited a very few of them. What I want is to get the attention of the individual residing in the nation and let them be aware that these creatures need their help and protection. Let us all be cautious of what we are doing to our nature for we only have One Earth.
I didnt know we had so many endangered species in the Philippines
believe it or not, we do have a number of endangered species @jon24jon24! :)
Very informative. Thank you for this ♥ Keep Steeming!