Horrified, these Venomous Animals are Deadly!

in #animals7 years ago (edited)

The exoticism of body shape and skin color of some animal types is directly proportional to the level of toxic content in their body. Several types of frogs can kill the predators with their poison content if swallowed or absorbed when touching the skin of the frog. Conversely, a venomous snake can paralyze its prey by injecting its poison or biting directly through its sharp fangs.
Well, here is a list of some types of animals that have the most deadly types of toxins that you should be aware of. Please listen.

1.Poison Dart Frog

The term for the "dart frog" itself is derived from the traditional Indian-American term used to poison the frog to smear the tip of the arrow. It is reported that the toxic content of this frog is even capable of killing about 10 adult humans with just 2 milligrams of toxin alone.

2.King Cobra

King Cobra Snake (Ophiophagus Hannah) is a type of snake that has a reputation of deadly poison with the duration of human mortality is quite short adults about 30 - 45 minutes.
When compared with the type of black mamba snake, this snake poison injection can be 5 times more and able to paralyze an African elephant within 3 hours.
This type of snake can be found in upland areas with dense forests scattered throughout Southeast and South Asia.

3.Marbled Cone Snail

Marbled Cone Snail is a very dangerous Snail family, one drop can Marble Cone Snail can kill up to 20 people. But until now, only recorded 30 cases of death due to Marbled Cone Snail stings. Can be issued by Marbled Cone Snail basically just to catch the prey.
Marbled Cone Snail toxins will cause difficulty in breathing and heart failure. Until now, there is no antidote for Marble Cone Snail poison.

4.Deathstalker Scorpion

The Deathstalker Scorpion is the most dangerous type of scorpion in the world. The sting can cause extreme pain, seizures and high fever and coma. In general, Deathstalker Scorpion stings do not cause death for healthy adults. But it would be very dangerous for those who suffer from allergies, heart disease as well as young children and parents.
Scorpion Deathstalker or Deathstalker Scorpion can be found in North Africa and the Middle East.

5.Puffer Fish

Buntal or Puffer Fish is the second most poisonous Vertebrate Animals in the World after Poison Dart Frog. The kidneys, liver and skin contain poison Tetrodotoxin which is very dangerous for those who eat it. Only with poison 1 Buntal fish tail can kill 30 healthy adults. Buntal fish poisoning can cause numbness in the lips and tongue, muntal, nausea, difficulty breathing, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, paralysis and death. Most of those who poisoned Buntal Fish will die within 4 to 24 hours. But in Japan and Korea, the meat of several species of Buntal Fish is used as food but must be prepared by a licensed and experienced chef so they know which parts are edible and the edible parts of the manapula.

According to statistics published by Japan, there are an average of 6 deaths a year due to Buntal Fish poisoning.

6.Stone Fish

Fish that can disguise resembling coral stone has the content of poison in two bags of dorsal parts covered by 13 spines.
Fish poison is quite deadly because it can cause muscle spasms and severe paralysis that must be amputated.
This type of fish can be found in the shallow tropical waters of the Red Sea to Queensland.

7.Brazilian Wandering Spider

According to the Guinness World Records Book 2007, Brazilian Wandering is the most deadly spider in the world because it has caused many human deaths. Just enough toxins of 0.006mg from the Brazilian Wandering spider can kill a rat. Spiders are very dangerous because many found in crowded places of residents, in cars, wardrobe and in shoes. Spider Brazilian Wandering's bite will cause pain, inflammation and loss of muscle control. If not treated immediately will cause death. Fortunately, there are antidote to this type of spider poison.
The Brazilian Wandering spider is widely found in the Amazon and Brazilian forest areas.

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This should get the award for the "creepy crawlys" . Good job with it.

Thank you for your comment in my post, good luck

thanks and you too.