Orion the wonder pup

in #animals7 years ago


I woke up this morning missing my dog Orion and thought that writing about him might help me. I had to drop him off with my dad yesterday due to an upcoming trip to Seattle. I know he is having fun because he is with his mom, but I miss him.


Orion was the first born male of the litter I had three years ago. Normally being the first born male is special enough, but he was also the most unique puppy born. The puppies came from two different fathers and as such I had two very distinct breeds in the litter, Australian Shepherd and German Shepherd. It was easy to tell which father they came from except Orion. My best bet is he is part Australian Shepherd. Not only did his coloring set him apart, but his temperament was very unique. When other puppies played he sat there and watched most the time. When I took all the puppies to the vet for their first round of shots Orion had a more complete check up because the vet felt that something was wrong with him because he was just sitting with me peacefully while the others wouldn't stop barking.


Orion wasn't originally my first pick of the litter. I wanted a german shepherd pup and had my eyes set on one that I called Yukon (pictured below), but in the end Orion won my heart and I couldn’t let him go. Don’t worry Yukon went to an amazing family that loves and adores him.


After three years of owning him he has turned out to be an amazing dog that is calm and peaceful. He comes when he sees we are sad. Ensures that the kids stay where they are suppose to and even plays with them when they ask it. I wouldn’t trade him for another dog.


As he got older he ran from the camera and started to hide his face so I don't have very many adult photos of him. He still isn't fully grown here and is on an extra large bed so you can bet he got a lot bigger!


I always loved holding him and still do. He now climbs up and demands for me to hold him so he can nap. He will grab my hand gently and pull it around him.


The first Christmas I had him I saw some really cute Pintrest posts of Christmas dogs and I wanted to try it. I was able to get this photo, but man he wasn't happy. I had originally had the lights on the ground in front of him and he had somehow managed to get wrapped up in them and was just laid down defeated. I laid down next to him to help to get him out. Needless to say I didn't repeat this again. Maybe this was the begging of hating pictures.


This photo was taken the first time he was away from his mom. The mess in the Jeep was caused by his mom and you could see how sad he was to be apart. Every time we take him to visit his mom he gets so excited and happy that I don't understand why people say dogs don't recognize their parents and siblings.

As I mentioned above I miss him, but I will be back with him soon and he gets to enjoy a vacation with his mother who I hope to introduce to you later.


looks like a great dog

check out my dog's blog @ubertec

Good Post. Enjoy your trip to Seattle.
Orion is Awesome 😀 thanks for posting.

I will, it will be my first time being there so I am super excited!

They are great your dog, adorable. I will follow you because I love animals and you are a good person. Thank you

Thank you! I hope to share a bunch more photos in the future.

I may be a bit biased but I will say that Orion is one of the most amazing pups I've ever met. I love this dog. :)

Only a bit? Up until now he hasn't been away from your side for longer than a week. :)

He is wonderful. Looks gorgeous on the first pic (and on every other ofc, haha)

Aww I'm glad you decided to write though missing your pup, I know that feeling it's not fun- Stay strong!